The 11th Gunpla World Championships it was a odd one to be sure with the days ticking by the fighters gathered slowly towards the the tournament proper it was customary for the fighters to meet up before the start of the tournament for the standard "party" and for the standard going over of the rules and so forth. The prize for this world championship was a bit different from others while offering the standard prize money and other such things it featured a few change in rules such as more randomized team events but beyond that it was a different prize being offered that drew in people a chance for your own custom gunpla to appear in the newest gundam anime. This drove people into a frenzy making even the most die hard fans and fighters to come out in droves. Sakuya sighed as she straightened out her black blazer she was unsure why she bothered to enter the world tournament. Even with her new found confidence in her skills after her recent tournament win she was still unsure if she was ready for such a big step after her failures in the recent years. Still she needed this if she was to move forward and make a name for herself this was the only way to do so. With one final sigh she stepped forward into the Yajima stadium to register herself this was it than time to face the music and face the world she once turned her back on.