[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Izkrip_zpsxvpt2vsz.jpg?t=1445052609[/img] Izkripp[/h1] [h2]Vida Curacio[/h2] Vida had been stuck in her room since her cats arrived thanks to Josiah. She had spent the time since then trying to get her cats use to their new environment. Her black cat, Co-co, was quick to adjust as he was already curled up on her bed a sleep. She reached up to pet his soft fur and smiled. "We are together." She stroked his fur a couple of more times then slide down to look under her bed where her other cat had been hiding since she arrived. The tri-colored calico, Baby, was more of a scaredy-cat compared to her furry adopted brother. She reached under and gave her a good pet relieved to fell her more coursed fur under her hand. "I missed you." Wiggling out from under her bed she sat back and looked at the contents of her room. There was a liter box, a bag of liter, and some cat food. Rest of her room was rather empty. "This space will fill with time." She said letting her eyes rest on the cat food thinking of when Josiah popped back in with her cats and the things she asked for. She had been so excited and overly joyed that she forgot for a moment her anxiety with people and gave Josiah the biggest hug she had given in a long time. She could not thank the man enough for giving her back her life. Blinking she looked away from the cat food and to the ball of fur sleeping on her bed. "Co-co do you want to come with me?" She asked standing up. She patted his head before picking him up in her arms. There was no protest as the cat leaned against her allowing her to carry him. They had wanted to talk to them about something and she did not want to go alone. She walked to her door and turned to look back towards her bed. "We will be back Baby. Watch the house." She smiled and hugged Co-co as she made her way to the others. She walked down the steps and stopped short of the clearing to look around gauging how many people were there. Even though she now had her cat, she was still nervous around others, especially groups. Seeing a few people she scanned for a seat quickly. As soon as she found one she darted over to it and sat down placing her cat in her lap as she did. He did not really seem the mind the motion and sat on her lap completely use to her moving where ever she wanted.