[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/of%20Dirt.jpg_zpsr2giublf.png?t=1445047384[/img] of Dirt[/h1] [h2]Katsuro Nakamura[/h2] Katsuro tried to soak in as much as possible as he was let into the base and shown his room. He was quiet most of the way, not sure how to feel about the situation he suddenly found himself in. On the bright side, he didn’t have much to leave behind. He was kind of a nomad on the streets of New York, living off what little he won off local karate tournaments and the well-off women he managed to woo as he wandered. There were no friends or family to speak of. His not being able to see Ariel again didn’t bother him much. They didn’t know each other well. It was a lifestyle that didn’t require him to anchor anywhere for too long. He grew accustomed to the pattern and saw himself doing it for the rest of his life. Still not sure what his powers really were, he felt like he needed to learn to walk again. It was possible that all his skills and talents would be totally inapplicable in his new environment. He’d have to learn a new game. The thought was both intimidating and exhilarating. Although he was in an uncomfortable spot at the moment, he knew there was tremendous potential. He had an ability that possibly only he possessed and he was dying to know how it stood up with the others in terms of power level. He was sitting on his bed when Garret came around to inform him of Cameron’s wanting to meet everybody downstairs. Katsuro gave him a nod as he got off the bed and stood up. Everybody I’m going to meet will have some sort of power, he thought, as if to remind himself. He wondered how many were like Cameron and Garret, who had years to perfect their abilities. How many were like Katsuro? He ran his fingers through his short hair and quietly huffed away his apprehension before making his way down to meet the others. There were two petite women; one with a cat. For all his thinking about how much less powerful his abilities might be, he couldn’t have expected to see less intimidating people. Then again, he wasn’t sure what to expect. The room was awkwardly quiet, even after Jenna asked if anybody knew what was going on. “I've just been recruited,” Katsuro answered, hating to have to demonstrate his ignorance. “I’m Katsuro,” he added, forcing a small smile. “How long have you guys been here? With the Reformers, I mean,” he inquired, recalling chunks of the load of information Cameron dumped on him not too long ago. [i]If they’re Charlies like me, then they were part of that accident as well,[/i] Katsuro thought, considering the idea that it technically wasn’t the first time he’d seen these strangers.