Sage murmured her "yes" but that was all she offered. She didn't see why anyone needed to know why she was here. Her own personal interest stemmed from Rollan, the black smith that took her in. She had read Tikkis' book after Rollan had told her what an interesting concept it was. He didn't believe it was true but thought the idea interesting. Sage on the other hand did believe it was real, so she set out to see what she could find. She was fully aware of the appraising looks everyone threw her way but it was understandable. After all she had done it to them. She enjoyed the young boys energetic, friendly nature. It was nice to see such a jovial soul. However, it was not enough to convince Sage to befriend him. She understood the practicality of traveling in a group while going through such a harsh area, but that didn't mean she had to like it. And she definitely did not like it. Some of these people could pose a real threat if she ever unintentionally, or otherwise, got in their way. She began to realize that there would be many more challenges than she first anticipated. Sage's stomach gurgled again and she began rummaging in her pack for the last of her granola bars. Halfway through the search she decided it wouldn't be wise to show these strangers any sign of weakness and being ill prepared for this journey would show exactly that. So she closed her satchel and and resumed her listening.