[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/dpickle_zpsx9ir6vhj.jpg?t=1445046533[/img] dpickle[/h1] [h2]Patrick "Pat" Anderson[/h2] As soon as Pat returned to the base after the "shopping adventure", the weight of the whole ordeal finally caught up to him. He had barely landed on his bed when he fell asleep, more exhausted than he'd been in years. Pat awoke the next day barely less tired than when he had fallen asleep. He could have easily slept for another four hours, but the lights had come on outside his room, shattering the near-perfect darkness he required to sleep. He instinctively reached for the pill bottle he had beside his bed at home before remembering that he was about as far from home as he had ever gotten. Pat spent to morning half asleep in bed going over the past few days events. He wasn't pleased with his situation, but it was probably the best he could hope for all things considered. It wasn't like he could just go back, all the TSP had to look for was the apartment with more drugs in it than your average street gang. Still, Pat wasn't one to let something like this drive him out of a bad mood, so when Garret came to bring him to some meeting, he made sure to put up the appropriate amount of fuss before leaving his room. As Pat entered the room just as some new guy, "Katsuro" finished introducing himself, saying that he had just been recruited (Pat suspected "abducted" was probably closer to the truth). Was he the reason for this meeting? Some kind of new guy meet n' greet? If that was the case might as well get this thing over with so he could go back to his room. "Pat Anderson. And we're about as new here as you are." Pat slowly walked to one of the empty chairs before taking a seat. "So would I be safe in assuming your a new Charlie?"