[center] [h2][color=8dc73f] Izumi Kaede[/color][/h2] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/OimW1ON.gif[/IMG] [/center] Izumi looked down to Rei, Addie, and Sayaka, then she closed her eyes and sighed listening to Rei."[color=8dc73f] Consider your allies voices when your in a tough situation, don't always try to control your friends, if you do, they will end up ignoring you, care for your friends.[/color]" Izumi told Rei, she looked Rei in the eye as she spoke to show that she ment what she said to the first year." [color=8dc73f]I'm not trying to make you mad nor am I trying to make you into something, I just want you to be your own person and have a great team, I only want for you to have greatness.[/color]" Izumi told her Imouto. Almost out of nowhere Addie got up and ran out the room with almost no word really, Izumi watched as Addie sprinted out of the room for some reason and felt disrespected in a way, but to add more to the shockingness, Izumi put a hand on Rei's head and nearly gave the blue haired first year a smile, but instead of a smile she gave her a positive gaze to show that she cared for Rei. "[color=8dc73f] If you need anything, then just ask me and I'll always do my best to help you with it.[/color]" Izumi soon stood up and looked to the door." [color=8dc73f]I'm gonna go find Donna, I need to return one of her several hats. Take what you want from the picnic I'll send some one to clean up later.[/color]" She pulled out a hat from behind her and showed it to the two before she left out of the room and left the two alone. Izumi focused on the hat in her hands and thought about where Donna would be, she began walking down the the hall wandering around without much direction knowing that Donna doesn't have much direction when she goes around the school, she wandered around the school at a fast pace and soon found her with Itsuko, she approached Donna from behind without revealing her self and put a hand on Donna's shoulder." [color=8dc73f]I remembered to give your hat back.[/color]" Izumi told the dark skinned blonde girl. Izumi soon walked around in front of the two and looked at them both, Izumi put a hand onto Donna's head and rubbed her head like she was petting a pup."[color=8dc73f] Kaede may need help with something, go to her and tell her I sent you or continue your patrol of the halls.[/color]" Izumi gave the shorter dark blonde girl orders. "[color=8dc73f] I'll take your position here.[/color]" [center] [color=00aeef][h2] Sayaka Homura [/h2][/color] [/center] Sayaka was silent in the whole situation she didn't feel like she could add anything to the conversation, whether she could add to Izumi's speech to Rei or talk to Izumi about anything at all, she just took tiny bites out of the sandwich that she had and took small sips from a can of juice, and after taking her first sip she spilled the juice all over herself and the can rolled across the picnic blanket. Luckily most of the juice just got on her and the can seemed more than less empty with only a small stream of juice trailing from can trailing to her Sayaka on the other hand was petrified, she couldn't move, she looked down to her hands and saw the juice stain the bandages on her hands and soon be absorbed into her clothes and soon soak into her bandages, Sayaka just stared at the can silently and her hands began to shake violently. The mummy girl quickly patted the baggy pockets on her pants and shirt as if she was looking for something in her pockets."[color=00aeef] Rei ! Help me ![/color]" Sayaka was just still on her knees."[color=00aeef] I-I hate to pull an Addie, b-but, I need more bandages to change these ones here.[/color]" Sayaka told Rei, she almost had tears well up in her eyes. "[color=00aeef] I-I just need extra bandages to change the ones that are wet, I just need them, if I start walking around the place they could just unravel and come undone, maybe there's, there's a medkit in the closet, come on help me out.[/color]" She asked Rei with her hands still shaking like she was scared. And like the mummy said, the bandages on her hands began to unravel and show her bare pale hands and Sayaka stared at them like she was holding back screams."[color=00aeef] M-my hands, their, their burning, I'm-I'm on fire.[/color]"