"Hot dogs, git yisself a dog! Three bucks per dog!" bellowed out the street hawker. Once again, Dave Miller rolled his cart down the New York side-walks. Another day, another dollar. He adjusted the paper cap that was perched atop his greasy hair. He sighed and thought of the spot he was pushed off by the competition. Dave just hoped that he could make it through another uneventful day. That's when the van came barreling past him, once again ignoring the demands of the police. As the van continued speeding forward the force spun him around in a comical fashion. Fortunately for him and his livelihood, they did not destroy his cart. Though that little piece of serendipity did not last. Mostly, because Eddie just drove onto the sidewalk, and slammed into the vendor's cart causing it to fly off. But fortunately, Dave jumped off to the side, and began shaking his fist and shouting out obscenities. Other pedestrians were jumping out of the way, and screaming in terror, as the squad-car was charging down the side-walk. They soon got on the left side of the van. Eddie frantically turned the wheel and rammed the suspects on the side, knocking off their left mirror in the process. The van began skidding, as Eddie kept a firm grip on the wheel and rammed the van once again. The criminal vehicle was in a precarious position, and the driver found himself unable to avoid a collision. [b]WHAM![/b] The van crashed straight first into a light-pole. The emergency lights were flashing and buzzing, as the van had met its fate. None could escape the long arm of the law. Eddie smirked as he saw and heard the crash, and immediately spun the vehicle around and slammed on the breaks. The police car came to an abrupt stop, parked diagonally in the middle of the street. With the police sirens still on, Eddie swung open the car doors and drew out his standard issue glock. "GET OUT OF THE CAR, HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD!" Eddie decreed as he kept his fire-arm out. "AND GIVE US BACK OUR BUMPER!"