Bastian leaned forward as he was almost issued an answer, before a muffled yet lout boom echoed through the room, shaking the fixtures. A glance down the window showed the people already filing out into the streets, where police and ambulances awaited with blankets and cocoa. "Damn; we've been found out." he said, standing up. Waving his arm, he gave the signal for everyone to file out. Stopping briefly, he turned to Hector, and said "I admire the nobility, but if you're not actively getting others safe, bear in mind you'll not be berated for saving your own skin." Turning to make sure they were the last pair in the room, he quickly shut the door, and said, "They know where this place is; we can't be sure they don't know where our other hideouts are... or that we haven't been compromised by our own. I'll be relocating our stashes and doing some human resourcing while you two mount the investigation." Patting the enforcer's shoulder, he reopened the door and led him towards the pack, and the crew soon deposited themselves into the throngs of panicked workers, emergency services, and new reporters below.