[@Shikaru] When Aleksi saw the other two girls jump up from behind the bar and feed on the Sanguinist she breathed a sigh of relief but continued lifting up large pieces of wall and ceiling still trying to find others. She uncovered only two bodies so far and didn't know how many others would be there and this was playing hell with her emotions. "Бог это Су-" she began to say under her breath as she lifter a slab over her head but stopped mid-sentence as Ronin popped in and began to spout some sort of nonsense but she did hear the fact that he was the one that blew up the Zone. Aleksandri began to stalk her way up to the group while dragging the slab of wall behind herself "Miss Anya please step to the side" she said a few seconds before throwing the slab like a discus towards Ronin. "Как ты смеешь делать это![i]((How dare you do this))[/i]" she yelled and pulled two knives from the ring hanging from her neck.