Name: Flannery D'Isigny Appearance: 5'4 feet tall. Small framed, lacking muscle and slightly pudgy. Round faced with a button nose, thin lips, slight jawline, and a broad forehead. Skin is pale white, and dotted in freckles. Eyes are wide and a very pale gray-blue. Hair is a bright orange-red, kept in a shaggy bobcut. Race: Smoothskin, Irish S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 40 Points Total Strength: 4 Perception: 4 Endurance: 4 Charisma: 8 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4 Luck: 8 Skills: Speech (Major), Science (Major), Medicine (Minor), Survival (Minor), Explosives (Minor) Perks: Animal Friend (Animals are friendly to her.) Personality: To sum her up, she is a bookworm at heart, possessed of a love of reading and knowledge. She has a gentle, softspoken demeanor even despite the recent nuclear disaster. She has a firm set of ethics that she lives by, which others might consider overly simplistic or foolishly optimistic. Though she is friendly and kind to most, she is also judgmental and cold towards those who have earned her ire. Bio: Formerly a university professor, the bombs fell while she was in the middle of conducting a lecture. The alert came too late for people to evacuate to a vault or a safe place, and the building was almost literally knocked over from the force of the blast causing it to cave in on itself. Through sheer luck she survived with minor injuries, and was left un-ghoul-ified as well. One of the few survivors at the university, some of whom died of injuries soon after, she has since taken it upon herself to try and put her academic knowledge of various fields to use. As such she travels in a manner similar to a trader, except offering help and advice in a struggle to put the pieces of society back together. Equipment: Pack Brahmin. Books. Various medical supplies, tools, scrap, and components. Handmade and Salvaged Explosives and Incendiaries.