Name: Al Valkanos Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Al's taller than average, with decent muscle tone, but his long body makes him look leaner. His hair is a messy, unkempt mop of muddy brown hair, and his facial features are surprisingly soft. Albeit, he's usually got a bruise or bandage marring them. His dress style is pretty comfy; he mostly wears loose fitting traveler pants and tightly belted boots, with a wool sweater and dingy hooded longcoat up top. His right hand and lower arm is wrapped in bandages for better wrist support and also so he doesn't lose his grip. On his back he typically keeps one to four large greatswords, of varied make, kept in a sling. He made a necklace out of a a beast's fang, and wears it as a lucky charm. Weapons/Belongings: Al's weapon of choice is the greatsword, and he's currently carrying four of them. If one breaks or gets tossed, he has a handy backup. These particular ones are made of steel, but he's not picky when it comes to replacements. Additionally, he has a wallet containing a small amount of money and a hunting knife on his belt, and a rucksack containing rations, a flint, a bottle of extraordinarily strong liquor, a torch, and a length of rope tied to a rock. [s]Magic[/s] [b]PHYSICAL SKILLS[/b]: Al is strong - much stronger than his frame would even suggest; he spent his youth wrestling animals for fun, when he wasn't toiling away with hard labor. He's durable to boot, and has a frighteningly high pain tolerance. One can only wonder how many concussions he's received. Naturally, his self-taught fighting style takes advantage of this, and focuses on Al throwing his momentum around to deliver maximum impact haymakers. Drop kicks are common, as are wild punches, suplexes, and throwing whatever's handy, up to and including the enemy. Additionally, Al carries around several greatswords, since he finds their length and mass are good for slinging around. Also he thinks they're cool. Personality: Al is by all means a kind, well-meaning person, with an understanding of the importance of friendship. He just happens to have a wild streak, and that streak just happens to be rather good at hitting stuff really hard. He's not so much caught up in a balance between right and wrong as he is between right and fun. This poor impulse control, combined with a poor danger sense, inevitably means he's often the first to dive into a dangerous area or do something stupid for fun. It's great in a dangerous line of work, though. Short History: It's not precise to say Al's forgotten his past due to amnesia. It is, however, accurate to say he's forgotten where it is. However, when growing up, he was always considered a strong boy, even in a rural community where the pastime was wrestling wild animals. Al, however, couldn't be content living a life of mostly farming and whiling away the hours on the porch. He was the sort of child who liked to wander. One day, the year he became a man, he wandered a bit too far, and ever since then has gotten increasingly lost. Determined not to let that get him down, the then fifteen year old began a new life, the life of an adventurer, sellsword, and treasure hunter. As of late, Al's heard rumor of some strange happenings going on in the north. In his line of work, that's a business opportunity. Not one to scorn the idea of magic, he'd rather see it as a potential job offer. Even if nobody payed him to go there, they might be interested in any loot he brought back. And so, the swordsman trekked into the harsh tundra, ready to meet with any challenge the unknown might throw his way.