Almost done, I'm just going to come back and do Xyanel tomorrow. [hider=Aelina] [center][h3]Aelina “The Dryad”[/h3] [i]Rider of Xyanel[/i][/center] [b]APPEARANCE—[/b] [hider=Appearance][img][/img](disregard weapons)[/hider] [b]AGE—[/b] 25 Bonded for 6 years [b]GENDER—[/b] Female [b]HISTORY—[/b] Aelina grew up in an outlying farming community in the lowlands. Aelina's mother passed away during the birth of her and her fraternal twin brother. Afterward her father grew suspicious that Aelina and her brother were products of a rumored affair of her mother. After the age of 8 when a disease wiped out many in her village including her father and brother Aelina decided to wander off on her own at the age of 10. It was only after this event that Aelina first began to experience uncontrollable bouts of anger and rage. After living in the area for some time and surviving off of the charity of the locals Aelina eventually became apprenticed to a renowned local woodsman. After much time under his tutelage Aelina eventually began to roam all of Caerel on her own. Unlike many other woodsman she had an extremely large range, she was willing to go halfway across the island on a whim. Her periodic madness made her keep her distance from most heavily civilized areas. During this time her affinity for nature as well as youthful beauty earned her the nickname of The Dryad. At the age of 19 Aelina decided to journey to the very peak of Shearpoint alone, a trek that is usually considered quite challenging by those with far more experience in the forest than Aelina. On her way to the peak a sudden blizzard forced her to take shelter in an abandoned ice cave. As she carefully made her way into the cave in search of warmth she inexplicably came upon a dragon egg. Despite the attention paid to dragons and their mating habits somehow this egg had been forgotten in the cave. As Aelina picked up the egg to inspect it the shell shattered and Xyanel was born. After this event rumors spread quickly and Aelina was swiftly placed under the tutelage of the dragon riders. [b]PERSONALITY—[/b] Aelina is extremely confident in herself and her abilities. She is most at home doing nothing, simply absorbing the atmosphere of the current situation. She isn't one for conversation and especially not for formalities or politeness. To Aelina such niceties are unnecessary and self-conflicting. Aelina pursues everything in her life with silent tenacity and her never ending patience. Aelina believes in that which is practical and effective. As long as the job gets done Aelina could care less as to how it is accomplished. [b]TALENTS/SKILLS—[/b] [list][*]Hunter's Mark - Aelina wields a crossbow with great skill honed over her years as a hunter. Aelina rarely fails to have her bolts violently impact her prey. When she does miss however, the next bolt requires quite some time to load. [*]Unfair Fighter - Aelina doesn't fight dirty, she avoids any situation where she might need to. Aelina never engages an enemy in a fight in which she does not have as many factors in her favor as possible. [*]Two Axe Fighting - At close range Aelina resorts to employing an unusual dual handaxe style of fighting that relies on an overwhelming offense. [*]Rage - Aelina is prone to uncontrollable bouts of rage. During these bouts she hardly feels anything. Although her reflexes and strength are often greatly increased during these rages she is out of commission for the next two or three days. [*]Wilderness Survival - Aelina is able to survive indefinitely in the wild and has knowledge of much of the flora and fauna of Caerel. [/list] [b]FLAWS/WEAKNESSES—[/b] [list][*]Melee Combat - Aelina is not well suited to melee combat, or any prolonged combat. She is an ambush hunter, not a fighter. [*]Conversation - Aelina is not particularly charismatic and is often hard to understand although she still can find pleasure in the presence of others. [*]Low Constitution - Aelina is fairly frail and not very resistant to either injury or disease.[/list] [b]EXTRAS—[/b] [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*][/list] [hider=Xyanel] [b]NAME—[/b] Xyanel [b]GENDER—[/b] Female [b]BREED—[/b] Frostbite [b]APPEARANCE—[/b] {A few sentences should do it. Make sure to include anything different from the generic appearance given in the breed list.} [b]PERSONALITY—[/b] [list][*]{Back to bullet points! Sum up in five points or less—single words is plenty.}[/list] [b]EXTRAS—[/b] [list][*]{Same as for your character—scars? Weird phobias? Favorite spots?} [*]{No special abilities outside of the breed (yet), please—this is a long mission, you need room to improve! If you think one of your dragon’s quirks might give them an edge, PM me first, or I can bring it up OOC.}[/list] [/hider] [/hider]