[hider=Aberon] [color=bc8dbf]Name[/color]: Aberon [color=bc8dbf]Age[/color]: Was 15, unknown now. [color=bc8dbf]Height/Length[/color]: Five feet three inches [color=bc8dbf]Eyes[/color]: Honey [color=bc8dbf]Hair[/color]: Gold, straight [color=bc8dbf]Body[/color]: Average, nothing that stands out [color=bc8dbf]Clothes[/color]: Whatever's lying around. Usually a hat, a long sleeved shirt, loose shirt over it, shorts, stockings, and boots. [color=bc8dbf]Skin[/color]: Welsh white [color=bc8dbf]Personality[/color]: Quiet, never speaks, but often looks a bit frustrated because no one seems to be able to understand her. [color=bc8dbf]Alignment[/color]: Definitely unknown at the time. [color=bc8dbf]Scars[/color]: A few on her forearms and lower legs from when she was a child, none from the world she's currently in. [color=bc8dbf]Talents[/color]: Summoning cups of tea, speaking a dead and forgotten language. [color=bc8dbf]Appearance[/color]: (Image is not my own, will be updated when I draw one myself.) [img]https://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/3450356.jpg[/img] [color=aba000]In the ancient land, Kings ruled with wisdom and a clear conscious. They settled many of their problems through debate, reason, and compromise; wars were a rare and barbaric thing that uncivilized lands did. The reigning King Avotte IV was aging and often enlisted the help of his royal Wizard to make potions to assist in his health. Like most wizards, Amser had himself an assistant, a local girl that showed the spark of magic so few still possessed. Her blonde hair and golden eyes sparkled with the hope that her teacher would be able to educate her and turn her spark of magic into a wild fire. She dreamed big, but her dreams were often her downfall growing up. While her peers were farming, learning a common house trade, or flirting with others of their own kind, Aberon the Royal Wizard’s Assistant was locked in a small dingy room with her mentor, studying at his side and memorizing herbs, crystals, and recipes for the king’s potions. Often, her birthday passed in the blink of an eye, for no one bothered to remember it, even herself. She was given a pet on her thirteenth birthday, a pale mongoose with eerie yellow eyes and sharp looking teeth. The teen named him Sael and he followed her everywhere, only darting away to feast on rats or the odd serpent. Life in the castle wasn’t honestly as great as people dreamed, but maybe it was only Aberon’s opinion because she was constantly working and never had time to stop and look around. Guards and knights knew the slip of an assistant because her long hair glinted in the light and she dressed in the wizard’s colors of maroon and crimson. She was never denied entry into the library, but she was forbidden from the kitchen because of a small accident she had when she was trying to make a spell to ward off vampires that ended up turning all the vegetables in the kitchen into garlic. When Wizard Amser sent Aberon out to fetch his herbs, that was when she had the most fun. Sael followed her, darting in and out from under her feet and chasing acorns away from the squirrels. She could spend hours out in the wilderness, playing with her wisps of magic and trying to string them together into something more. Every now and then she could do one little impressive thing, but most of the time, she could only do one spell that she seemed to have been born with, for it was the only thing she could remember doing as a child. If she snapped the fingers on her left hand, Aberon could summon a crystal tea cup full of whatever tea she desired. It only worked once, but when she drank the tea, all she had to do was slide her index finger over the rim of the tea cup a few times and it would refill with the tea she desired. She had been doing it for so long that it didn't even seem odd to her, it was more peculiar that others could not summon tea the way she did. The Wizard Amser sent Aberon out often enough that she knew others from the city and nearby villages. They called her "Wizardling" and she was about as friendly as she could manage, but she did not have a very friendly outlook, unfortunately. Since Amser practically raised her, Aberon had some very specific views of those who did not live in the castle. She looked down on them, unable to do anything except see them as weaker than her. It gave her a very unfortunate view of the world. So when Amser sent her to get him a talisman from a labyrinth in the forest, Aberon took her time on the journey. Unfortunately, the journey was the worst thing that she could've gone on. The path was long, the labyrinth was difficult, and Aberon forgot that her teacher said if she stayed in the maze too long, she'd go somewhere no one knew her, and no one would ever find her. She thought that just meant she'd die there. Sadly, the wizardling was so very, very wrong. A few days went by in the giant maze, and then a week. Exhausted, hungry, and with no will to go on, the apprentice crept under an overhanging curtain of moss and vines, and waited to die. That did not happen. She woke up in a very white place, with at least five people staring at her. What looked like a clear snake was sticking out of her arm, and there were odd beeping noises. Aberon opened her mouth and spoke, but everyone just stared blankly at her before speaking amongst themselves. Aberon listened, but she couldn't understand anything that was happening. She was given to an old couple, who brought her to an equally old house, and tried to take care of her. Within a week she gave up trying to learn their language or teach them hers, and within a month she gave up talking at all. That was a few years ago. Now Aberon lives in the woods that the couple brought her to, with her faithful mongoose Sael that seems to have followed her through this ordeal. She speaks to no one, but she can still summon tea with the snap of her fingers. It's not the worst life, but she is awfully lonely, and having no one to talk to because they do not understand the dead language that she speaks, she craves conversation with another aside from herself. She has no idea what happened to her people, where she was, or what was going to happen next. But she'd at least adopted the style of the time she was in, so the young hermit didn't scream "Wizardling" to anyone that happened to see her wandering the land she seemed to own.[/color] Best suited for these themes: Heavy plot, humor, fantasy, time travel [/hider]