[hider=Serenin Powell] [color=007236]Name:[/color] Serenin Powell [color=007236]Age:[/color] 11 [color=007236]House:[/color] Slytherin [color=007236]Year:[/color] One [color=007236]Wand:[/color] Eleven inches, Elm, Thestral Hair Core (Not from Ollivander) [color=007236]Parents:[/color] Christine and Charles Powell (Not in her life though) [color=007236]Pet:[/color] Cat (Named Cat) [color=007236]Best Friend:[/color] Cheryl Hoffman [color=007236]Other Friends:[/color] Edmund Gage, Pritchard Steele [color=007236]Magical Talent:[/color] Charms [color=007236]Other Talents:[/color] Sewing, Dance [color=007236]Weakness:[/color] Muggle electronics (They always break around her) [color=007236]Hobbies:[/color] Stalking Snape, Sewing [color=007236]Alignment:[/color] True Neutral (Or just, y'know, loyal to Snape) [color=007236]Animagus:[/color] Mongoose [color=007236]Patronus:[/color] Fireflies [color=007236]Appearance:[/color] (These images are from Zerochan, I only intend to use them until I have finished my own drawings of Serenin.) [hider=Years 1-2] [img]https://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/2468146.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Years 3-4] [img]https://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/2468143.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Years 5-6] [img]https://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/2468144.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Years 7+] [img]https://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/2468145.png[/img] [/hider] [color=007236]Life wasn't always fair for people. Powell was one of those little drifters who was abandoned as a child because she was different from the other kids. And possibly because she had accidentally turned a classmate into a boar just because the twerp had called Powell's hair boring and flat. Like it was her fault that she thought hard enough about wishing that the brat was made into the animal she most resembled... Still. England was not always a charming place to live and she spent many nights scrounging for food or stealing it from wherever she could. She had been taken in by police a few times, but always managed to escape the foster care homes with a few extra dollars, a green apple, and a periwinkle flower tucked into her hair. It was a fine day in August when an owl landed near the shabby looking and scrawny girl. She made little hooting noises at it and watched the bird turn its head in a circle before it released a letter next to her foot. Curiously, she opened the letter and saw that it was addressed to he in an odd way, and the ink was green and... very cursive. She had a hard time making it out at first, but when she understood the gist of the letter, Powell raised a brow. Meet whom? Go where? When? Did she even have a calendar? Somehow, Powell got to the address in the letter where she would obtain what she needed for the school year. She was dressed in a shabby dirt colored skirt that fell to her knees, holes in the bottom, stockings that were ripped everywhere, dirty and scuffed shoes that didn't fit right, a loose shirt that was at one point white hanging off of her frame... Her hair was grimy and tangled, her skin covered in dirt and marks from living outside all the time. Hesitantly she looked around, biting her lip. There, in the bar, was a man waiting for her, with stringy black hair, a long button down coat, high collared shirt, a hooked nose, and sallow skin. He was drinking tea and reading, looking bored and uninterested in life. And then he looked up at the shabby girl and his lip curled upwards a bit. Oh, what fresh hell awaited Powell at Hogwarts, and what did the Potions Master have to do with it?[/color] This is an evolving character, this is her starting point and will evolve as she gets RP. She is only available to role play with Severus Snape. I am interested in an evolving romance involving her and the Potions Master. [/hider]