Bloodstone was slightly confused by the corrupted gem's gesture but once Aqua pushed his weapon away it clicked in his head. [color=ed1c24]"Thank you for calming everyone down Aqua, you were always good at that. I'm also quite surprised that you have remembered so much about the battle tactics I taught you. Now as for the communication systems, I have some old ear-pieces but they're kind of glitchy and may static out in necessary times but they certainly are better than nothing."[/color] Blood began to think out tactics and leaned on his glaive while he did so. [color=ed1c24]"So I think it is obvious who should attack the creatures first and who should stay back to defend. Me and Aqua will charge the beasts and try and take them down without having any harm come to the young ones or the town. If things begin to look bad, we retreat and regroup with those in town to handle the beasts to the best of our abilities. We will discuss placement of everyone of it comes down to that, besides this way the young ones can enjoy the holiday until necessary. Now Aqua, you can keep the corrupted gems for.... whatever it is you and the other rebels did with them and I'll take back the cluster for research. Agreed?"[/color] Bloodstone stated as he looked towards Aquamarine then towards the entire group present, making sure they could agree to his plans.