Hadrian tilted his head upon hearing the assorted comments, letting an annoying grunt when she heard the voice of Adelaide. It was just his luck. He wanted to play shining knightly rescue and out of all his options, two had underdeveloped bodies, and the third one was Adelaide. Which probably would mock him, and not even need a kind of rescue whatsoever. That french she-viper really got to his nerves, much like anyone french for the matter. Then the other vampire decided to take charge and claim names. The old crusader let out a defeatist sigh as he scratched the back of his head. "Actually I've been living in a scrapyard, good material to forge stuff." He answered to Adelaide's quip."Alright, kid, I'll play vampire cronie with you." He added to Norman's. "This guy looks unhinged, and he's gone too far. I know that feeling. But, hey, I thought those who followed the path of the Hashshashin were much more discriminating. The Old Man in the Mountain must be rolling on his earthly grave if he ever found out how sloppy the youths are." He took out his worn coat, and dropped it nonchalantly, getting ready for action. Underneath the old clothing, a snug but equally worn tanktop revealed well defined muscles and a mesh of scars not only across his face, but through his body aswell. And then one of the vampettes cursed in russian and just hurled a chunk of a FREAKING wall at the assassin. "Oh dear." Hadrian let out both in amusement and surprise, a smile forming in his face. "Looks like you might not even need my help." He chuckled inwardly. He would've probably hurled a car to the freak's posturing and invitation to take in an attack and countering it, but the other female vampire had beaten him to the punch. Adrian then flashed an impish grin. "Then again...it's better to be safe than sorry." The old vampire wasn't going to risk it, so he dived for the discarded blood freezer, and took one of the bags. Human blood. He had swore off the stuff due to the pain it caused to humans to extract it, but he didn't hesitate and drank its contents open, feeling the power who had long been dormant building up. He then, in a show of speed, moved like a blur, positioning himself next to the panicking vampire and Adelaide, assuming a Kung Fu stance. [hr] "Hot dogs, huh?" Dana said lazily as she jogged lightly in her neon pink tracksuit alongside the dog she had been assigned. The female doctor didn't mind doing a little of exercise in her day off, after all, her kind and dogs were the sort to run and trek for a while rather than being cooped up full time. At least it was a break from the Siberian cases duo and their two-men wrecking crew show. It was a complicated dynamic to say the least. She and the bosses really hated the messes they usually brought to her tables to analyze, but then again, she was practically the only forensic in the NYPD versed in the stuff, besides the ex-head who went and made a cop out of cop corpses. She never figured out what had it been about. She waved her hand through her loose brown hair, letting a sigh of relief after exerting herself to the point of sweating. "Yeah, let's go get some grub. But only one." She said to her fellow companion, the german shepherd known as Agent Porkchop. He seemed to whine in grief, his ears flopping. "Don't look at me like that. The vet said you were a little chubby." Dana nonchalantly quipped, some strangers staring at the funny duo of jogging woman and dog. However, their attention was short-lived, because there were more people who pretended that they could talk to their dogs throughout the world. It was then that Porkchop barked in a well-articulated canine complaint. "wha-" The doctor said, a burrow furrowing. "My BUTT is not THAT fat." The doctor added, folding her arms and staring intently at Porkchop, but soon relented. "Alright, two for each one of us but this is the last time, you hear me?" She added, finally conceding. Just as a VAN COMING OUT OF FREAKING NOWHERE sped through the sidewalk, nearly knocking the hot dog stall. "Huh. That's we-" She added, not being able to finish as a bumperless, but pretty much recognizable DeSoto literally obliterated the stall, leaving her in disbelief of the mess,just as her canine companion sniffed a couple of the sausages that had been scattered before gulping them down. "Goddamnit Eddie." said doctor Dana Oakheart, her pink tracksuit now covered in assorted sauce stains. "Porkchop, after them!" She said, after witnessing the crash and eventual standoff. The dog seemed to comply as he ran at full speed, ready to bite crook's flesh and not let it go.