"Tha..thank you?" Hayes said in confusion to the compliment that he was given and tossed a smile at Bishops response. "You look pretty too, he told the boy in the corner" in an effert to break the awkwardness of the mistake. He looked back over to the girl. As the fog cleared the window he looked out and saw the open fields they were passing, long plains of grass and trees reaching out across the land. It was beautiful he thought. He had never really been one to admire the land but something about this place, he did. "Did you parents go to Hogwarts?" He asked the two kids. "My fa.." He started but was interrupted By the opening of the capartment door, a older lady entered asking if they wanted sweets. "No..no thank you." Hayes replied to the lady, she smiled and looked at the others. [@TheHangedMan][@LordofthePies]