[hider=Gabriel Maloney] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/17/75/b11775c5766acff9b7b42261466d52ab.jpg[/img] [hr] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Gabriel Chase Maloney (Just Gabe will do.)[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent] At first glance, Gabriel resembles a living, breathing stick figure. But hey, when you’re six foot tall and lanky with long limbs and little body fat/muscle, that’s what you get. Jack Skellington reporting for duty. But truly, Gabriel is a thin guy. Skin and bones, as Mama’s apt to say. She’s not wrong either. Gabriel’s skin is stretched tight across his lanky frame. It is mostly white having a bit of a warm feel to it, but there are areas of higher color, mainly on his face. The nose, cheeks, and forehead often have a ruddy tint to them for example. Gabriel has a number of blemishes across his body. Moles dot his arms and shoulders. A trio lay in a sort of triangle under his left eye. All things considering, and in contrast to his mop up top, he’s not a very hairy guy. It’s great considering he doesn’t have to deal with a mane of chest hair. It kind of sucks, however, on the beard front. It’s come in rather patchy, with a large bald spot to the right of his chin. His moustache has come in pretty righteously though. His wavy blonde locks fall around his face, reaching down to about shoulder length. There’s a sort of a wild lay to it, but Gabriel’s not about to mess with it. Live and let live, yeah? Deep laugh lines have already marked the boy’s face, along with wrinkles at the corners of his almond shaped pale blue eyes. His nose even tilts a bit to the left, the product of some schoolyard scuffle no doubt..[/indent] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [indent] Gabriel’s not exactly the most motivated dude on the block. As such, he hasn’t really tried many things. Sure, he’s given a couple sports a try, but he’s the kind of guy that quits after the first week, once his dreams of just walking onto the field and dominating the game are crushed and he’s brought back to reality. Where he does shine though, is up on the stage. When the lights are low and the crowd is cheering, that’s when Gabriel steps up and just shreds. And it’s actually good. Though he’d never be the one to say that. Humility is a virtue afterall. But surely he’s got more to him than just music? Right? … Well… Believe it or not, despite being about as athletic as a disabled poodle, Gabriel loves to run. Is he going to break any land-speed records? Probably not. But that doesn’t mean that he’s not going to go out and break in some pavement. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep doing that until your feet don’t move anymore. It’s nice and simple. Gabriel likes simple. [/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [indent]Gabriel came into the world in the usual way. He was the only son of Mary and Thomas Maloney, coming in late in their lives. Thomas was around only for the first couple years of Gabriel’s life before he left to be with Jesus. Mary never resented him for leaving her. She resented him for getting to be with the Lord before she did. Mary was, to put it bluntly, a Christian zealot. She raised Gabriel by the Bible, making sure that he minded the good Lord above all others. Then her. She was...well, not exactly cold towards the boy. She could be rather affectionate when she dipped into her spirits. But otherwise she was a hard woman. Tough. Like she believed Gabriel should be. Such an upbringing should have produced a good little Christian boy, and in some respects it did. However, the boy who was brought up believing he should suppress his natural urges, eventually gave into temptation. But it wasn’t flesh or greed or violence that swayed him. It was drugs. Heroin, namely. It was bound to happen eventually. Under Mary’s tyrannical reign, fun was mostly forbidden. So when Gabriel entered his teenage years, and was eventually offered a taste of freedom, he jumped on it. What he never could have expected was how hard it would jump on him. It took one taste for the boy to get hooked on the crap. He began ditching class and, to Mary’s horror and wrath, worship. He began hanging around with some less than savory folks. Folks that could get him what he so desperately wanted. And when his cash ran low, he’d do [i]anything[/i] to get his next hit. At some point during his decline, Gabriel met the people that would become his best friends. Jude Biggs, Sanjay Tamboli, Derek Hughes...they were all connected in some way to the drug life. But it wasn’t drugs that bound them together. It was music. They formed a shitty little garage band called Daffodildo with a pair of sisters and were altogether horrible. But it was fun. What wasn’t fun was Mary discovering Gabriel’s little hobbies. Defiling his body with unholy substances, listening to devil music, and, worst of all, whoring around with a daughter of Ham, the filthy little Jezebel. Mary first tried to drive the devil from her son by burning it out. When that failed, she then tried to beat it out of him. That didn’t work either. And Gabriel had had enough. He tried to stand up to his mother, but it only infuriated her. Giving up on him, Mary kicked Gabriel from her home, disowning him. Since then, Gabriel had lived the couch-surfing life. He’d crash wherever someone would let him, and, should everyone be too busy, he’d take to the streets. Things were...well, not great, but they could always be worse, he supposed. Then, one night, it did. He was with Derek one night, at a party. One thing led to another, and after consuming dangerous amounts of alcohol, the two ended up speedballing in one of the backrooms. Derek passed out, and then his heart gave out. Gabriel would have went as well, but someone had come along at just that time and found him choking on his own vomit in his sleep. They got him onto his side and he spit everything up. A few more minutes and...well… After coming back from the brink of death, something was different. Gabriel could...hear things. Things he shouldn’t by any rights have access to. But he did, nonetheless. Those around him, he could hear what they were thinking. Almost as if they were speaking it aloud. And try as he might, nothing seemed to quiet them. He just couldn’t tune them out. Unless he got high. Despite it nearly costing him his life, Gabriel took back to heroin even harder than ever. There was no more time for just eating or smoking it. No...it was time for the big guns. Mainlining it. And he didn’t stop there. Anything he could get his grubby little hands on, he’d take. And it actually worked. The higher he got, the quieter the voices seemed to be. And the closer to death he marched. Perhaps he would have gladly gone to the reaper, if it meant silencing the constant barrage of voices. Perhaps he’d inject himself into an early grave. Given the chance he might have...but life doesn’t always work out the way we want it. And it just so happened that Gabriel happened to be at the right place at the right time for a NEST rail. Apparently they had received a tip on an unregistered meta: Biggs. They followed him to Meg’s garage, where a band meeting was going down. And while they were originally only after the big man, they were able to mark the others as metas as well. While they all had their own skeletons sitting their closets, Gabe had an angry monkey on his back. And the experienced NEST operatives could spot a junkee anywhere So Gabriel got the infamous choice: prison or the Academy. To Gabriel, it was a simple one. And so, he eventually boarded a bus bound for the luxurious Camp ThinkerRock. And all he could worry about was where he’d find his next fix. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [INDENT]Cerebral[/INDENT] [indent][i]Thought Reading[/i] Most people have a little voice in the back of their head, the one that whispers thoughts and feelings that one would rather not say aloud. A private voice, one of the most intimate aspects of a person...meant for only the individual in question. Gabriel says to hell with privacy, and tears down the walls separating one man’s thoughts from another’s. No thought shall go unheard with Gabriel in the midsts. Whether he wants it to or not. [i]Memory Reading[/i] Going a step further than simple surface thought reading, Gabriel can access the memories of his target, seeing them as vividly as if it were one of his own. Should the memory exist in the subject’s mind, than it is fair game for Gabriel. [/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent] Gabriel isn’t a master of the mind by any stretch of the imagination. While he does have the potential to become a fairly strong telepath, he lacks basic control currently. Why, he cannot even filter thoughts at the moment. Anyone within twenty feet of Gabriel is subject to having his or her thoughts blasted into the junkie’s skull. However, should someone have enough willpower, they can put up a mental block, preventing Gabriel from touching their mind. Lord knows the boy doesn’t have the experience needed to work around such a barricade, so this seems to be one of the easiest ways of shutting him down. To kind of offset this, Gabe has taken to wearing headphones blaring some of his favorite music. It hurts his ears, but it drowns out the thoughts. Makes speaking to him a pain in the ass, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Now, in order to read into the memory of a subject, Gabriel must make physical contact with said person. As long as he’s searching, he must remain in contact with the person. A break in connection or concentration will have meant all was for naught. Now, when trying to read a memory, complete and utter focus is required. So for this, Gabriel would prefer to isolate himself and his target to avoid any outside distractions. As for the memories themselves, Gabriel has no way of knowing if the memory is true or not. Should a person manage to convince themselves that a memory exists, it will appear to Gabriel. With that said, a crafty individual will have no trouble fooling the young telepath. Obviously a working mind is required for Gabriel to perform his magic. Sorry to all robots, zombies, and various creatures of mindlessness. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [indent]Prolonged use of his abilities will leave Gabriel with a terrible migraine. Use after that point can cause serious damage to his body and mind. This can be anything from bursting blood vessels, blood clots, aneurysms, to heart attacks, nausea, or just a particularly bad case of the sniffles. When using his abilities, Gabriel must remain strongly focused on the task at hand. As such, his defenses are practically nonexistent at this point. Not only physically, but mentally as well. Gabriel must tear down his walls in order to reach out to another. If another telepath were to jump into his mind at such a time, they would have free reign to tear shit up. Therein lies the largest issue for Gabriel. He DOESN’T understand how to build his walls. His power is nearly always running, which leaves him nearly exhausted most of the time. Large crowds drain him quickly. And above all, it’s overwhelming. Hearing so many thoughts at the same time...hearing so many things that were never meant to be heard...it’s too much. In a large enough crowd, Gabriel can completely shut down just due to the sheer volume of thoughts. Or even worse: he can lose himself in the ocean of voices, unable to find his way home. And when the mind and body are too occupied, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility for it to forget to regulate itself. Breathing? Overrated, really.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT] Mother: Mary Maloney Father: DECEASED Thomas Maloney[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent] [b]Jude Biggs[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Bandmate/Best Friend[/b] | [i]“Biggs, man...he’s always got the good shit. And he’s a helluva singer. If shit hits the fan, I know he’s got my back.”[/i] | [b]Jordan Glover[/b] | [b] Neutral [/b] | [b]Bandmate/Friend[/b] | [i]“Ollie’s cool. We don’t talk as much anymore. I...I don’t know why.”[/i] | [b]Meghan Glover[/b] | [b] Good [/b] | [b][Bandmate/Friend[/b] | [i]“..yeah, I don’t fuck with Meg. Sanjay did, and well...just look what happened. She’s scary, man. Keeps a beat like no one’s business, but still scary.”[/i] | [b]Sanjay Tamboli[/b] | [b] Bad [/b] | [b]Bandmate/Frenemy[/b] | [i]“Ahaha, yeah uh...Sanjay don’t like me no more. Guess he don’t like what he’s heard about me and Arya. I mean, I’d never hurt her, so I don’t get what his problem is. Seriously, he just needs to chill the hell out. But the dude can play a mean bass. Can’t take from him.”[/i]|[/indent] [h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyE9vFGKogs[/youtube][/hider]