[hider=Jordan Adkins] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [hr] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/5a460c0c09ef13076d083f553ebac13e/tumblr_nindxbmTeX1r4qzreo1_1280.jpg[/img] [hr] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Jordan Olivia Adkins(Friends call her Ollie)[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]16[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Given perfect posture, generous shoes, and her knit cap pulled just a bit higher than normal, Jordan could probably hit about five foot three. On a good day. And with her rather petite build, it would be reasonable for one to write her off as harmless. Why, she doesn’t look much different from any other girl her age. Or, y’know, a boy younger than her age. If it wasn’t for her long, curly ginger locks, it wouldn’t be too outrageous for one to see the small chest, nonpoppin’ booty, and gender neutral clothes and just assume brohood. Go ahead a mention it to her, she absolutely loves to hear that. The gal has a few moles on her rather pale skin. A pair on her chest, a few on either arm, and one just off the corner of her right eye. As far as scarring goes, on the end of her left brow is an indention, a leftover from a playground accident involving monkey bars and a bee years ago that nearly took out one of her round blue eyes. There’s not too much thought put into Jordan’s daily outfits. She’s content with just a hoodie or light jacket if it happens to be a bit nippy outside, otherwise it’s pretty much just band tees and jeans. And the beanie. Can’t forget the beanie. It’s basically the only thing that is saving her from a life as Princess Merida of DunBroch. Truly, her hair can be a wild, wild beast, and no man is brave enough for that. Not yet. [/indent] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [indent]Jordan, from an early age, was enthralled by cinema. Moving pictures, people pretending to be something completely different, it was all so exciting. So growing up, the gal consumed absolutely any movie that she could get her grubby paws on. So Ogo, how’s that relevant to any skill or talent, you might be thinking. Patience, asshats, we were just about to explain. Ollie, with a rather excellent memory, can recite a number of quotes and monologues from various classic films on cue. Great at drunken parties, terrible for crime fighting. There’s a bit of a musician residing in the girl. She can play guitar pretty well, but she lives for the bass. The rhythm likes Ollie, and Ollie REALLY likes the rhythm. Go figure. Just uh...don’t let her sing. God bless her heart, she tries, but she sounds like a dying cat. Math comes incredibly easily to her. Numbers, formulas, graphs, the whole shebang is her forte. Words...not so much. She’s not one for most video games, but damn if she can’t hustle a fool in a fighting game. Take your pick of the lot o’ ‘em, she’ll whoop some virtual ass. Fear the ginger’s Shoryuken. Fear it.[/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [indent] Jordan was born in Salem, Oregon, to a recently widowed real estate agent. Her father, a soldier, took his own life after accident that would leave him paralyzed from the waist down. The woman remarried sometime after that, to an aircraft traffic controller. Some guy named Marcus. He was alright. He had a daughter, a bitch named Meg. She was less than alright. The gal had an uninteresting childhood really. Average grades, average friends, average interests. She was well on her way to an mediocre high school life, followed by a very short rebellious stage in a mediocre college, where she’d try acid once or twice before getting scared straight and continuing her education towards an Accounting degree, which she would then use to get a mediocre job at some mediocre firm in some mediocre city where she would meet some mediocre man and have some mediocre children and they’d live out their mediocre lives until she had a mediocre death at the age of seventy-eight. How fucking thrilling… Luckily, she was rescued from the American Nightmare by...well...genetics. Upon hitting puberty, the girl’s body changed in some unexpected ways. No, not a larger chest or booty, much to her disappointment, but in a more...exotic way. She found that she could bypass walls and doors as if they weren’t even there. And floors. It led to a rather embarrassing incident in which she found herself accidentally falling into the boy’s restroom at school...from the room above it. Not knowing what the hell happened, she was spotted by some dude leaving a stall, who then proceeded to freak out about her being in there. As she left the bathroom, embarrassed all to hell, she bumped into Jane, the resident bitch. She and her friends had been gathered around the lockers across from the bathroom. They saw her leave the bathroom, and, well, the teasing was long and brutal. After some poking around online, Jordan found the answer to her odd situation. She was apparently a metahuman. A Ghost, specifically. Which fit her curious(nosy) nature just fine. She spoke with many others online, joining several cyber communities consisting almost entirely of the freaks. She refused to register her status, seeing it as a horrible infringement of human rights. But she wasn’t stupid. She kept her mouth shut on that particular subject. For the time, at least. Once she got through her schooling, she had plans to join certain activist groups. Some time later, her step-sister started having a couple guys over to the house, where they’d play some shitty music in the garage. She begged Meg to let her tag in, and while she was initially stonewalled, Meg eventually gave in. The band was short a bass player anyway. The girl instantly clicked with the group. And thus Daffodildo was born. Not exactly the classiest of bands, but fuck it. The band wasn’t around long before drugs threatened to tear it apart. Derek and Gabe got really, REALLY into the shit. And one night, the shit got really, really into them. Derek died. Gabe almost did. And the dumbfuck KEPT using after that. More than he did before them. If Jordan didn’t know better, she’d think he was trying to off himself. The band got together and decided to stage an intervention of sorts for the struggling guitarist. They didn’t get far into their meeting before NEST came a-knocking. The gig was up. They were after Biggs, having got him name from some asshat that squealed in order to get a shorter sentence. And the rest of them were pretty dirty themselves. Ollie, despite having never done anything really illegal, had given her name to the organization she was looking to join. It had apparently been raided a couple days before. Taken down completely in a matter of hours. And from there, they got a ton of names, many of which belonged to unregistered metas like our idealist redhead. She might have gotten away with just having to register but...the group had been suspected to have been involved with a number of terror events across the country. So she had two options. Be tried for aiding terrorists, or go to camp. As tempting as federal prison sounded, she opted for camp, along with the others. If they thought she was little terror before, just wait until she gets out... [/indent] [h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [INDENT]Super-System (Biological)[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [indent][i]Intangibility[/i] Ollie is able to quite effortlessly go wherever she wants, by, as she calls it, “ghosting” through solid objects. There’s not much more to it, really. She can go through most any natural substance found on Earth, including walls of various materials, people, concrete, you name it. When doing so, Ollie gains a sort of weightlessness, allowing her to effectively swim through the material if it is too thick for her to simply step through. When ghosting, Ollie can target specific parts of her body, meaning that she doesn’t have to go completely intangible. To couple with this, she can extend the phenomenia, not to other people, not yet, but she CAN envelope an object the size of a small suitcase and take it with her. For this, however, she must remain in physical contact with the object. And she somehow drops the connection while in an object… Yikes. [/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent]As much as she may want to, Ollie cannot simply dive into a mountain and call it a day. Or rather, she could, but it won’t end pleasantly for her. Ollie is limited by how long she can hold her breath. Breathing while intangible doesn’t exactly do much for a gal. Furthermore, she cannot rematerialize inside a solid object. Not if she wants to remain whole that is. While physical objects will pass harmlessly through her while intangible, energy and mental interactions remain unchanged. If someone were to say, toss a lightning ball at her, Ollie is going to be in for a shock. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [indent] While Ollie can pretty much go through any object, she doesn’t have x-ray eyes. She can’t SEE through what she’s trying to ghost. If an object is too thick, all she’s done is find an easy grave. She’ll either run out of oxygen or… It’s not pretty when a Ghost materializes inside a solid object. With the space already occupied, it comes down to which object is stronger. And the human body, being as weak as it is, loses nine times out of ten. When a Ghost DOES decide to try it anyway, and loses, it pretty much splits the body, pushing the foreign molecules out in the quickest ways possible. So what ends up on the outside, isn’t the same as what entered to begin with. Smaller objects, like bullets, can simply pass through Ollie when she’s ghosting. But, should she rematerialize with it inside of her, she’s going to have a bad time. The momentum of the object doesn’t change. So if she’s too quick on the draw, she can phase a bullet through her head, just in time for it to pop out the other side, with half of her skull in tow. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT] Mother: Jasmine Adkins Step-Father: Marcus Glover Step-Sister: Meghan Glover[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent] [b]Meghan Glover[/b] | [b] Good [/b] | [b][Bandmate/Step-Sister[/b] | [i]“Ehh, I mean, we don’t always see eye-to-eye, but Meg’s been there for me when no one else was. We might not be blood, but that girl’s my sister. Even if she is a bitch.”[/i] | [b]Jude Biggs[/b] | [b] Good [/b] | [b]Bandmate/Friend[/b] | [i]“Heh, I like Biggs. He’s funny. And I mean, he’s gay, I’m pan, we’re like two queer peas in a pod. Also, I’ve never seen a man that big be so terrified of harmless little puppies. Guess he’s just not an animal guy. Weird. He’s uh... been...a bit weird since Derek...y’know. Like, he’s acting as if nothing happened. And that’s like-he shou-It’s just wrong, okay? I hope he’s alright.”[/i] | [b]Gabriel Maloney[/b] | [b] Neutral [/b] | [b]Bandmate/Friend[/b] | [i]“Ugggh, I just wish I could talk to Gabe WITHOUT him being high. It’s annoying. It’s like he’s always distracted or just not there. I mean, he’s a good guy, and Arya absolutely loves the dweeb, but...ugh, I dunno. I just don’t want to see another friend dead before twenty, y’know?”[/i] | [b]Sanjay Tamboli[/b] | [b] Good [/b] | [b]Bandmate/Friend[/b] | [i]“Poor Jay...Meg’s rough on him. But I mean, he kind of brought it on himself. You don’t fuck with Meghan. She’s a sadistic little bitch. But I like him. Even though everybody kind of shits on him, he takes it all in his stride. Well...except for the dick jokes. Poor guy.”[/i]|[/indent] [h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYGald0tFro[/youtube][/hider]