[B]Name:[/b] Jett Ryu [B]Age:[/b] 18 [B]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img11.deviantart.net/d545/i/2015/104/f/e/jett_ryu_by_atrox_forensis_by_jettryu-d8dckyx.jpg]Image[/url]. Jett has black hair and silver eyes. Unlike Ruby's, his pupils expand and contract like a cat's. [B]Semblance:[/b] Spartan (increases strength, speed, reaction time, and endurance) [B]Aura:[/b] Jett's Aura is black in color, and as it is pushed farther it seems to form claws on his hands, and wings seem to sprout from his shoulders. [B]Backstory:[/b] Jett was born on the island of Patch, and grew up as the next door neighbor of Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose. The three had many misadventures (namely when Yang caught Jett peeping in at their all-girls slumber party and promptly duct taped him to a lamppost... in his boxers... in winter). He attended Signal Academy, and promptly enrolled at Beacon once he had finished classes. He was a model student, for the most part, and came to lead Team JETT, with his teammates Emerald Birch, Tiberius Kirk, and Tsubaki Kosetsu, the latter of which he came to have a romantic relationship with. Shortly before the start of V1, however, they went on a mission that was supposed to be a milk run, and all members of Team JETT were killed, save the team leader. Despite his injuries and crippled spirit, Ozpin talked the young Huntsman in training to come back for a second year at Beacon. [B]Weapon:[/b] Ryu no Ikari (Multipurpose Riflenata; its forms include rifle mode (resembles the real world SRSS BullDog .762); katana mode; nagamaki mode; and a newly added scythe mode