Alexis didn't care about the prize of having one of her Gunpla featured in an anime. It would certainly be cool, and something she could brag about for years. But that's not why she was her, not why she'd worked so hard over the last 3 years to build a Gunpla capable of getting her here and winning this thing. One reason she was here was for her own pride. She'd spent the last decade of her life in the Gunpla scene, building, battling, even going to a school to get better at both. The other reason was sleeping next to her in a stroller, her daughter Cassandra. Alexis knew she'd have to choose between the hobby she loved, and being, in her mind, a good parent and devoting her self to her child like she had her Gunpla career sooner or later, and because of that, she felt pressure, more then normal to have accomplished something, to go out on top, or as close to it as she possibly could. Right now though, she was all registered and just waiting on her brother, who had come with her to baby sit while she did 'glorious battle that they will sing tales of for generations!' as Raechel put it. He was staying in a hotel close to the stadium, and right now was just stowing his bags in his room.