Since everyone is throwing in their second characters I might as well drop in mine. [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [color=gray][B]| [I]NAME:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Hunter Ward[/INDENT] [color=gray][B]| [I]ALIAS:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]None Yet[/INDENT] [color=gray][B]| [I]AGE:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]18[/INDENT] [color=gray][B]| [I]ABILITIES/SKILLS/EQUIPMENT:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT][list][*][color=gray][b]Demon Physiology:[/b][/color] Unbeknownst to him, Hunter is a half-demon. This means he's not as powerful as a demon would be at his age and it's more likely that he never will be. He does however have enhanced levels of strength, durability, speed, reflexes, and endurance. His max strength output is currently five tons. His top speed is thirty miles per hour. His reflexes allow him to dodge gunfire at point blank range. His durability allows him to withstand a lot of blunt force and gunfire to the point of .50 cal without protection. His endurance lets him keep fighting for three hours without a break. [*][color=gray][b]Darkness Manipulation:[/b][/color] Hunter is a Shadow Demon and because of this he's able to generate and manipulate darkness. This does extend to shadows as well. His power over darkness increases at night and it also increases his endurance as well. He's able to go from three hours to as long as it's dark out. Hunter himself doesn't know if he's a metahuman or if his powers stem from magic. He doesn't really care either way. He's able to solidify darkness and make weapons out of it to assist him in combat. Though just because he creates a weapon out of darkness it doesn't mean that he'll exactly know how to use it. He has a brutish side when it comes to combat and if he creates a sword he's just going to go in swinging. [*][color=gray][b]Shadow Form:[/b][/color] Hunter has a power that he calls Shadow Form. It allows him to mimic the properties of a shadow by cloaking himself in a shadow aura. This form allows him to become intangible to physical attacks. When becoming intangible to avoid an attack he's then able to become tangible right after to attack an opponent before becoming intangible again. [*][color=gray][b]Accelerated Healing:[/b][/color] Hunter is able to heal his wounds faster than a normal human. His healing however isn't on the same level as a speedster or someone with the power of regeneration so it's much slower than theirs. [*][color=gray][b]Longevity:[/b][/color] Due to being a demon it's possible that he'll live a very long time. That is if he doesn't get killed or somehow lose his powers. [/list][/INDENT] [color=gray][B]| [I]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT][list][*][color=gray][b]Shadow Form:[/b][/color] His Shadow Form does have weaknesses. It has a time limit per usage. He can only use it for two minutes at a time. He can use it again after waiting, but by the time that happens the tide can very well change. His intangible form can be attacked by magic. Another weakness to the Shadow Form is that the more he uses it in one day the higher the risk of him losing himself to his demon side. The risk is even higher at night. He is unaware of both this and the magic weakness. [*][color=gray][b]Masochism:[/b][/color] Hunter for some reason loves the idea of feeling pain and because of it he might put himself in danger on purpose just to make things more interesting. Maybe he likes to feel alive. He won't risk his death though. If he knows that it's possible that he'll die he'll try to prevent it. [*][color=gray][b]Training:[/b][/color] Hunter had been fighting crime for a while before he was recruited to go to Corrigan. He however hasn't received much formal training in forms of combat that would help him with the weapons he can create. Because of this he usually uses more of a brawling method of fighting or lets darkness do the fighting for him. He plans to change that this year with some intense training lessons on and off campus.[/list][/INDENT] [color=gray][b]| [i]SAMPLE POST:[/i] |[/b][/color] [INDENT]I'll do this eventually.[/INDENT] [color=gray][b]| [i]NOTES:[/i] |[/b][/color] [indent]Was abandoned and adopted as a baby. Doesn't know his birth parents. Has a strong dislike or hate towards most legacy heroes/students. Second Year at Corrigan[/indent] [/hider]