[url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/overlord/images/4/4d/OL2_Gnarl's_Musing.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110923144609]Gnarl[/url] laid in his bed, listening to a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf4ODTmX3b4&list=PL68523B0F7A8D1D08&index=21]music box[/url] playing the lullaby that he had sung to every Overlord child he had helped raise through the centuries. On the table across the room sat 5 pictures. on the far left was Lord Gromgard, the first Overlord and the man Gnarl had originally been loyal to, followed by his son as an infant. On either side of the boy's crib were his older siblings, the Elven brother and Dwarven sister. The picture in the center was the third Overlord, one that had once been human before becoming greater. Next was his son, a small boy running through the northern town of Nordberg with a small band of Minions. Finally, the picture on the far right showed multiple infants, each of them resembling their father and their differing mothers. "It's time." he said to himself as he climbed out of bed to begin getting dressed. "Today is the day they must be told. Their mothers have made me wait this long. I can wait no longer. The children must know." Once dressed, he left his room with a sigh as he shook his head. [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/overlord/images/8/80/OL_Giblet.png/revision/latest?cb=20090708220235]Giblet[/url] ran past him, laughing as he leapt over the elder's head. "Giblet!" Gnarl yelled in response. "Aren't you supposed to be at the forge?" Giblet stopped and spun to look at Gnarl's frown. "But, Gnarl, forges be gone." "Gone?!" Gnarl yelled. "What happened to them?" "Dwarves take Arcanium, elves hide Durium and halflings steal steel." the smith replied sheepishly. Gnarl stomped angrily to the throne room, grabbing an apple as he passed through the kitchen. "You!" he yelled, pointing at a group of minions. "Go get the Overlord's children. It's time they knew their jobs." The four of them ran off, each one disappearing down the hall from Gnarl's view. "It's time." he muttered again with a frown. ----- Each of the minions that had run from the throne room on Gnarl's command arrived in different rooms, each one waking the dark children from their slumbers with near unintelligible babble of Gnarl, the throne room and their father.