Oya slowly awoke to the gibering of strange growling creatures. She looked at one of the brown minions as it had crawled onto her bed. She backed up a bit at first startled by the sudden glowing yellow eyes in her face accompanied with sharp toothpick teeth. "Gah! No, get off the bed! Your feet are filthy, and these are silk sheets for crying out loud. Oh whatever I'm awake now anyways," she said. Then slowly got out of bed she was wearing a dark red shirt with a hood, and black pants that hugged her figure. A black mask, and her red hood obscured everything but her glowing yellow and red eyes. "So what do you little cretins want," she asked. She slowly put on brown leather boots. The brown goblin spoke to her in gibberish, and she sighed. Then stood up grabbing the minion by the throat, and threw it out the door. She was right behind the minion going straight for the throne room. She was smiling behind her mask, finally she'd become the overlord. Who better than she? One who can compell with a single word, and bend ones will to do what she wants; and all without magic.