Within his private [url=http://media.moddb.com/images/articles/1/110/109063/auto/sword-chamber-preview.jpg]magical chamber,[/url] Avalon, along with five of his Councillor Blue Minions, in their ceremonial robes, were locked in a trance like state. Their minds stretching far into the Magika Realms, summoning a sense of clairvoyance. Looking at Events of the Past, Present, Future, those that could happen and those that will happen. A shadowy figure emerged in Avalon's mind, his face obscured by the dark mist that surrounded him. He reached out to him, but before he could go any further a minion carrying a message, beckoning that he attend to the throne room. Avalon grabed the minion by the neck and threw him into the central magical crystal, whose magical energy was so unstable it vaporised the minion. After cracking his knuckles, he silently made his way to the throne room.