"Uspokoysya Aleksiyu, nam nuzhno informatsii, prezhde chem my yego ubit'." Adalaide tried her best to diffuse the situation but she could tell this was going nowhere fast. She sighed as she took off her earrings and shoes because while it was rare that someone could even touch her without her permission, it wasn't impossible and having your earrings ripped out of your ears is painful. "Anya, if you would get our Sanguinist friend to safety I would be much obliged." Adalaide asked Anya, before she reached over and grabbed a decent sized piece of pipe, before hearing this Ronin call Hadrian vampiric filth. She couldn't help it, she started laughing. She braced the pipe against the ground as she regained her composure. "You're not so natural yourself cher, unless you have a really good plastic surgeon." Adalaide informed him before turning to face Hadrian. "Are you talking about the Old Man of the Mountain? Because those are two completely different things Hadrian. One was the leader of Islamic assassins that you were assumedly part of, the other is a cliff in Wyoming. I'm just saying, they're a bit different. Not that it really matters in the end, I just thought I'd bring it up while we're talking." Adalaide was rambling, partly to annoy Hadrian but mostly to annoy Ronin because annoyed people made irrational decisions and Ronin could stand to make a few irrational decisions that would favor them.