Sooooo. The space bar on my tablet keyboard broke so I can't really type up anything significant at the moment. Here's a basic character sheet so you can at least get started on the details... Name: Gender: Age: (16-20 for Team 1, 20-40 for Team 2) Team: (Team 1 is the starter team, Team 2 is the veteran team.) Rank: (Ranks will be assigned later. Leave blank for now.) Appearance: (Pictures are fine. Anime preferred for obvious reasons.) Personality: Biography: Combat Style: Cursed Gear Name: Weapon Appearance: Awakened Ability: (Team 1 will not have access to these at the start.) Please note that this sheet is NOT a final draft. This is just to brainstorm with. When the OOC comes around, some details may need to be added to keep it up to date. It's also very ugly because I wrote this on my phone, so you are welcome to spice it up if you'd like. Also note that we may not have enough players for two teams. If that is the case, there will only be one team.