Sage listened to everyone one in turn making sure to note who seemed like they would be trouble. Anyone who was hired to get more than information could prove problematic. She'd make sure to watch out for the brothers and woman with the mismatched eyes just to be safe. In the middle of the the small talk a new member joined there group. and the first thing Sage noticed, was obviously his ridiculous demand for hot cider but more importantly the sound of metal clanging together. Upon closer inspection she realized the man was carrying four great swords across his back. She was taken aback by the insinuations this man was clearly trying to give off with his intimidating armory. Making a note of this man she turned back to the group. When it seemed that it was her turn to answer, Sage gave a small smile to the young boy and said "personal interest." It was a vague answer not because she had something to hide but because she didn't see a reason to disclose more about herself than necessary. It was then she heard the journalist speak of the possibility of traveling in a group. Sage knew how true her words were and fully intended on sticking at least semi-close to anyone that chose to move in a group. She could tell this was a diverse group and figured the diversity would help keep everyone alive. Sage's stomach cramped a little and she wished the guards would get this thing rolling so she could prepare herself for the harsh weeks to come. Hopefully it wouldn't all be for not and she could return home with what she was hoping to find.