[center][h1]Aletha and Nero[/h1][/center] Aletha and Nero walk side by side as they entered the gates of the school. Aletha ran a little ahead and twirled in front of the school like you would see in a film. [color=ec008c]"This is going to be SO MUCH FUN Nero, I mean not only do we get to go to the same school, but like we're in the same grade and class and everything. I can't wait!"[/color] She said with a smile, not that she never didn't smile. Nero on the other hand, had a different opinion. He cautiously entered the school as if he was entering a mine field. He looked up at Aletha and chuckle. [color=0072bc]"Yep, so much fun doing work, sitting in boring class, and meeting so many new people."[/color] He said doing a quick jog to catch up right beside her. She turned to him when he caught up and said, [color=ec008c]I know right, it's going to be so fun meeting new people, I mean we will make so many friend I bet we won't be able to count them all!"[/color] completely ignoring everything but the last part of what Nero said. Nero chuckled again and replied, [color=0072bc]"I guess..."[/color] Feeling a bit more confident with Aletha by his side and walked with her to the entrance ceremony. After the ceremony they both headed to room 4B with the crowd. Nero absolutely despised crowds and tried keeping close to Aletha. Eventually after getting sick of all the pushing and shoving he said to Aletha, [color=0072bc]"Do you mind if we hold hands...i mean you know how I hate crowds,"[/color] just so he felt safer more comfortable. She obviously took advantage of this and started to tease him as she snatched up his hand. [color=ec008c]"Aw, look at you still needing you big sister to protect you from the scare strangers,"[/color] she said in a voice one would talk to a baby with, and giggled. Nero turned bright red, and swear he heard someone snicker behind him and quietly snapped back, [color=0072bc]"Shut up!"[/color] Once they arrived at the room they listened to, what they assumed was a teacher, had to say. After the announcement Aletha turned to Nero with bright eyes and said [color=ec008c]"You hear that! Tuners and Receivers are going to get paired up! O, I hope we, like, get paired up together, that would be so much fun! Or if we don't maybe you'll get paired up with, like, the girl of your dreams, wouldn't that be AAMMAAZZINGG!!!"[/color] As she said that last part it almost looked like she had stars in her eyes. Nero, who didn't not like the idea of being paired with a stranger, and defiantly wanted to publicly deny Aletha's thoughts said, [color=0054a6]"would you shut it, your embarrassing me, and no it would not be amazing to be partnered with a girl. You know how socially awkward I am with strangers, I pray that we do become partners so I don't have to talk to any strangers."[/color] Aletha was stuck too the idea that his partner was going to be his soul mate, and continued to argue with Nero upon the idea.