[center][h1]Nuo Aoi[/h1] [@ChaoticFox] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SCmmEe1.png[/img][/center] [b]"Wow. That's a tough life you're having..."[/b] she said, voicing her apparent pity, although Nuo wasn't really that sympathetic. [b]"...just like almost everyone else here! Look, I know you think you have it hard, and I do feel bad for you, but it's not actually surprising. This is an academy for assassins, and, well, a teen better be having terrible days to be a killer, hired or serial. I can tell by the looks of some guys at this place that they had it rough. Even the less obvious-faced people might be dealing with something."[/b] Nuo paused, releasing a despondent sigh, and muttered under it, [b]"Just like me."[/b] From then on, she told Safira her own little bit of story. [b]"So it's a bit of the same gang thing as yours. You might have heard of a kidnapping incident in China... or not. So while the victims were rounded up, a few of them got raped. One of them was my dad. 'fcourse, nobody made it alive, so I was raised in the gang by my mum. Treated like shit because they believed they made me more prepared for pain, got me nearly killed too many times to count. At least I got to watch action movies and, uh, get trained, which is good. I don't like being pushed near dying every once in a while, though, so it just had to stop. Got away, tried to live a life alone, realized I needed to make money, and I put up my own hitman business and then doing what normal people do whenever I had enough pay. Except that I was being chased around now, so I got out of China and landed here. Tried to look for my dad's family, but couldn't resist going here first. And that's how I'm here.[/b] At this point, realizing her story won't make much sense to Safira, Nuo decided to stop. "[b]Oops, I'm rambling so much, everything I've said would probably take many paragraphs on print. I'm just trading my own story, but, well, I'll just get to the point. I don't mean to belittle your situation. What I'm trying to say is that there are many people here that, you know, you could sympathize with and be happy with... except total psychos. Don't go near them if you think they're too creepy.[/b] As was coming to close her lengthy speech, the girl stood up and smiled invitingly to Safira, wrapping it up with a request. [b]"So whaddya think of sparring, Saf? Let's have it when you have the time!"[/b]