[center][h2][color=mediumorchid]Reiji Saikumo[/color][/h2][/center] [b]"Hold up! We'll get to that complicated stuff later. In the mean time, however...You see, you lovelies aren't exactly safe yet... There's still one more thing that all of you must complete before we start doing the dirty work..." "We're going to put you guys through one more test. Just one, simple test. I expect to see all of you Training Ground 94 at 12 PM on the dot, today. Is that okay with you all?"[/b] Reiji had been the first one out the door after Fuyuko-sensei gave them the news and meeting details. It was a pain to have to go through another test after he was supposedly done with all that in the academy. He was never against tests and in fact he looked forward to them somewhat. It was a chance to see how far he'd come, how much stronger he'd gotten. However, as a test there was always the knowledge that they weren't going to push him to his limits, that they would really challenge him beyond what he could do. That thought always gnawed at Reiji. He had some solace in knowing that this particular test was being given by a full fledged jounin. They were Fuyuko-sensei's students now and after he saw the presence she commands and her blatant challenge of them to show her their best he was sure she wasn't going to make things less than difficult. Reiji stored away the rest of his gear and walked to the window. [color=mediumorchid]"I'm not going back to the academy...there's too many strong ninja out there and too many answers waiting. This test is just another stepping stone towards both. So sensei, give me your best shot~"[/color] He lifted himself over the sill and darted off for the training grounds. [hr] Arriving last to the meeting place with only a couple minutes spare Reiji stead through the brush to see Fuyuko-sensei and the others waiting. Everyone seemed fully prepared for whatever the test may be. Fuyuko-sensei greeted them and dolled out the assignment. An hour to round up a couple sheets of paper. Scraps of paper in riddled throughout the forest sounds painstaking at first but for shinobi it shouldn't be that daunting of a task. The addition of paperbomb traps gives it an edge but Reiji was hardly worried. The biggest challenge would be the time limit. No way their skilled jounin hid the slips to be found with little effort. [b]"If you don't manage to beat the time limit, then that one person without a paper is sent back to the Academy. If more then five traps are set off, then all of you are sent back. Got that?"[/b] Reiji smirked. [color=mediumorchid]"Small margin for error, huh? I would've liked a better challenge sensei~"[/color] Seichi, being the most impatient of them all set off without a second to lose. Toko followed suit and after not to long their was a sequence of two explosions in the distance. [color=440e62]"Lets at least make sure those morons are alright."[/color] Seji headed off towards the source of the explosion leaving Reiji and Asuka. [color=f49ac2]“Seji-san, Reiji-san, I suggest we take a different direction to the others. I’m sure if we take a different route, we’ll be able to cover more ground, right? Also, we need to keep our eyes open for any traps or pieces of paper... Those are the things that will determine the outcome of this test.”[/color] Reiji took hold of Asuka's arm before she could take off after Seji. [color=mediumorchid]"Let him go after those two. Hopefully he finds a piece or two along the way. Like you said we'll cover more ground if we go the opposite way...with your speed we'll cover even more, Koizumi-san."[/color] Reiji headed off in the other direction from Seji and the others. Landing on swiftly on a branch Reiji surveyed the area. [color=mediumorchid]"This paperbomb set up might have been a problem--Fuyuko-sensei probable set them up all along the common routes we'd take. The forest floor, treetops, she's probably got a few hidden under the earth..."[/color] Reiji chuckled with slight amusement. [color=mediumorchid]"She can't hinder us in the clouds though~"[/color] Reiji weaved a dragon handsign. All around him within a few meters radius the air started to swirl and form into small white clouds. Seiun, the hiden of the Saikumo clan that gave them precise control over the moisture in the air to form these fluffy, white patches. Intimidating? Maybe not, but Reiji's father had taught him that in the hands of the Saikumo, the smallest clouds could become fierce thunderstorms. [color=mediumorchid]"Koizumi-san, if you use my Sekiun and you'll be able use your speed to it's fullest and search the these area's quickly with little fear of triggering the bombs. Think you can handle it~?"[/color]