[hider=Secondary character] [center] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/614233164131627008/w0hMg7kY.jpg[/img] [h1]Celesta Barns | 24 | Female[/h1] [/center] [hider=Celesta Barns] [b][u]Background:[/u][/b] [indent] As one of two children of a rich family Celesta was used to being treated well. She grew up in a life of luxury in a large penthouse in Philadelphia. Like every family the Barns had their downsides; Mr.Barns was very busy edging his way up into the government, and Mrs.Barns a little out of it after her career ended as a model. Mrs.Barns spent much of her time reminiscing on her glory days as a model, usually ending with "until i got pregnant", because if there is one way to end a modeling career it's getting knocked up. Mr.Barns was of course not around much, Celesta and Simon her brother usually knew he was still around simply because of their mothers new designer dress every time a check from their father rolled in. Both Celesta and Simon went to a private school and were very well behaved children, or at least as far as either of their parents knew. Celesta never made many friends, instead preferring to study or tag along with her younger brother. Some of Simon's friends were less than civil hooligans from the public school. Occasionally Mrs.Barns would ask Celesta to go along just to keep an eye on him, a task she was more than happy to take up but never fulfill. This would be the point in her life when she met Olive, the only other girl who was in Simon's friend group, and luckily one of the more tolerable people of the group. It didn't take long for Celesta to realize that she had an odd sort of feeling for Olive, one she'd not felt for anyone before. After weeks of wondering she asked her brother if the feeling was what she'd though, and he, having had many girl friends before, told her that she was in fact "super gay" and "mom was going to kill her", but that was just how it was with siblings. Simon never told anyone. Shortly after her confession to Simon she confronted Olive, who was much more laid back about the whole thing. Fast forward 6 years and they were still together. Olive didn't have as much time as before, and for her job neither did Celesta, but they still found spare moments to meet up every now and again, enjoying each others presence as though they were never apart. On the night of the apocalypse Celesta had been up on the top floor penthouse where her mother lived. Mrs.Barns was out at Harvard meeting up with Simon leaving Celesta to house watch, another task she was more than happy to take. As such when the streets became flooded with the undead and the fight began she was safely tucked away 20 stories above the ground. Upon calling her mother, she found out about the invasion. The rest of her family was haled up with her father in one of the safest government locations available. Then she barricaded the Apartment making it safer to wait in. Hours later she received a disturbing text from her dad letting her know that she'd been stranded there, no rescue was coming for her. Panicked, she rummaged around the house looking for anything to help her situation. Once gathering anything helpful into a back pack she sat on the couch, distraught and confused and scared, explaining to herself that feeling like that was normal. Hours later she received one last call on her cell phone; Olive. Olives mom and dad were missing but she thought she knew where they might be. Ecstatic Celesta jumped on her offer to go with her to the army base, at least she'd not be alone.[/indent] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [indent] Celesta is very even tempered and calm minded. She takes situations in a larger scale scope and acts reasonably most of the time. Being well versed in psychology and philosophy she is perhaps one of the more grounded people around. She has a strong sense of morale right and wrong and acts accordingly. Being brought up in high society she is very well mannered, though occasionally she slips up if faced with individuals who are brash or impolite enough. For the most part she comes off as very kind and lively, not the sort of person one runs into very often in the midst of death. [/indent] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [indent] Taller than the average for girls at 5'7 with a thin figure, wavy red-brown hair compliment her stormy blue eyes. She often would wear make-up a habit that's not followed her into the apocalypse. She has fair skin, and takes care to keep it clean as best she can. Her fashion sense can be summed up as anything forever 21 would sell, not the most practical attire but she has enough sense to wear sneakers. [/indent] [b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b] [indent][list][*]Level headed, thinks things through [*]psychologist, so if anyone needs counseling. Help others keep their head. [*]A generally cheerful person so not everything seems terrible[/list][/indent] [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] [indent][list][*]doesn't want to kill anything that even slightly resembles a person [*]Wouldn't know how to operate any sort of weapon if she wanted to hurt anything [*]Not actually in shape despite appearance[/list][/indent] [b][u]Former Occupation:[/u][/b] [indent]-Psychologist[/indent] [b][u]Family:[/u][/b] [indent]Olive Valitina. 23. Girlfriend. Alive. (marine biologist) Bridget Barns. 50. Mother. Alive. (Retired model/ Bakery supervisor) Mathew Barns. 56. Father. Alive. (State representative) Simon Barns. 22. Brother. Alive. (Lawyer)[/indent][/hider] [/hider]