Dana maintaned her brisk pace, chasing after Porkchop, it would have been weird for her to suddenly overcome the dog in speed and lunge at the culprits. [i]What are those clowns doing...[/i] she trailed on her thought, but was suddenly jolted out of it when Eddie's partner, that damned jigsaw freak man of sleepy decided to slam the door against the selfless dog. "NO! PORKCHOP!" Dana wailed on top of her lungs as she arrived not too soon after. Forgetting about her anger, the ketchup stains, the thugs, and the two cops of the DeSoto, Dana rushed towards the stunned dog and craddled it against her. "Agent Porkchop, answer me!" She yelled again, only to be met by a soft whine on the dog's part. It looked quite the blow, but he would probably be okay, if a bit dizzy. She then glared at both Eddie and Sleepy, a piercing stare. "...you're telling me you smash the hot dog stall i was going to buy from, ruin my tracksuit, and doorslam Agent Porkchop for just your bloody bumper..." She paused, twitching visiblely in barely restrained anger." On my day off from you two idiots and the Siberian cases clusterfuck..." "IMMA GONNA MURDER YA EDDIE!" She exploded into a gutural growl. "SCREW THE PAPERWORK!" She said, doing an insanely powerful and inhuman leap that culminated into denting the van's roof with her heels. "SCREW THE PROPERTY DAMAGE!" She added, tearing the roof of the van open, and facing the terrified crooks. "SCREW YOUR JIGSAW PARTNER!" She added, lifting a crook with each hand, much to the shock of the remaining assailants. "SCREW YOU!" She then tossed them roughly in front of Eddie. "AND SCREW YOUR FUCKING BUMPER!" She finished, grabbing the bumper, with the intention of breaking it in two, unfortunately, the silver plating soon interfered, and the berseker doctor flung the bumper in pain and surprise away a considerable distance. "FUCK IT ALL!" She spat, nursing her hands.