Alexis was just sitting idly, watching the people around her, and her baby. At least until she saw a familiar wheel chair, and heard a pair of familiar voices. Well, that was a surprise, she didn't think that Dani would be here what with the work she'd heard about her doing for Nils Lab. She also thought she heard Sakuya, but didn't see her. Still, it'd been a while since she seen Dani, and got up greet her. It was only after Alexis got closer did she realize the girl Dani was talking to was Sakuya. Which was kinda concerning given how burnt out Sakuya looked. "Sup treads" Alexis said as she got close to the pair, stroller in front of her as she approached, though the baby was still asleep. "Been awhile. Hey Sakuya, you ok? You look kinda torched."