Name scribbled into his notes, "Experiment 504 is a failure, blood seems to be unable to circulate, moving on to experiment 505 soon, problematic need an a assistant for this one." Name sat in the lobby alone he considered performing this experiment in his lab but it was good to get up and moving every now and again. Name looked down at his notebook (on of many this one nearly full) Still Name still felt optimistic after all it took Edison 10,000 attempts to refine the light bulb so his failure could only mean he was getting close...right? The old doctor sighed and rubbed his temples, when he heard a magnificent thud as a young man came crashing down the stairs. Name rushed over to the redhead and began to check his arms, legs, and head, "You alright kid, dose it hurt when i do this, how about this, did you hit your head?" the doctor asked in a flurry of questions not relay listening but checking for himself. [@YamiCuoreLaroux]