Cole listened to Jordyn, taking her bag and pulling it over her shoulder with her own before nodding softly at her notion. “Of course. The Seelie nurse quite enjoys my company, and if not I can get Drakon to come with and put her in a good mood.” She chuckled a bit before both bags were taken off her shoulder as a voice came. “And to answer your question, Miss Mystery Fae, no, Alex won’t get in trouble with Lucifer. If anything, Lucifer will probably just tell him to take it easy. And he should be alright, I saw him after the fact last year when the feud started and he was in way worse shape then. As much as Billie and Alex fight, they always have each other’s backs.” The male voice said, and he shot Cole a smile. “Oh, manners, right, I’m Drakon. Nice to meet you.” “Don’t mind him, Jordyn, he has a tendency to drop in after being talked about.” Cole said, and she watched as Drake opened the door for them, the infirmary being well placed not far from the gymnasium. “Hello, Cole, Drakon…” the nurse smiled before lulling her voice, “Jordyn.” “Our friend here got hurt during gym, you mind us helping her onto a bed here?” Drakon asked before the nurse nodded as Cole helped Jordyn into one of the rooms. Cole looked at Jo, setting her bag next to the bed. She sat down in a chair for a minute or two before she stood up again. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’m going to see if I can’t grab a bite to eat. You want anything?” After Jordyn answered, she made it back into the lobby where she shot Drakon a look to stay, and he gave a slight nod as Cole headed out and towards the closest cafeteria. When she got there, she grabbed a sack lunch that one of the servers held for her and she spotted Billie and Clary not too far off. Logan and another vampire had just walked past her table, and once Cole got over there she smiled to them a bit before sitting down a moment. - Clary really didn’t have time to show her excitement at Logan moving in, but she was. And she didn’t really have time to react to Billie just walking off from her, seeing as she had disappeared the moment she saw Lucifer heading into the dorm that Billie and Alex shared, his hell hound standing guard outside the door. Clary took her leave there, sitting beside Billie just moments before Cole spotted them and she looked at Billie’s face. “Babe, you okay? That can’t have been easy.” Billie shot her a look and sighed. “I could have killed my brother trying to stop him, and he’s being ungrateful. Believe me, my moods have been better. And to top it off, my ex started it all over again. I should have let Alex do it, I so should have.” She vented, and Clary was a bit surprised. “But it’s all going to be okay eventually. It will be taken care of.” Clary nodded and looked to Cole as she sat down. “Make it to the nurse with Jo alright?” Clary asked. Cole nodded. “She’s more worried about Alex.” Cole said and Billie sighed. “You should go see her, you may be the only one that puts her worries to rest, outside Alex.” Billie nodded a bit and stood, Clary and Cole doing the same. “And I could have a little bit of recon done.” She said, looking towards Randall and Justin with a certain look and the two nodded and left the cafeteria too. She headed with Cole and Clary to the nurse and Clary gave a smile. “Good news though. Logan is now my new roommate.” Clary smiled, and Billie nodded. “Good. Finally he’s away from bitchpire.” Billie said, and once they were to the nurse, Drakon was still flirting with the Seelie nurse, but she halfway froze when she saw her. The nurse nodded to her. “What’s the matter, Billie?” she asked, but soon the shifter nurse came in. “I’m just here to visit Jordyn.” Billie said, and she followed Cole into the room that she helped Jordyn into. Billie looked her over. “How you feeling?” she asked, “I have to say, gave us quite a scare.” Clary then piped up. “Alex is awake. Just a little weak right now, right B?” she said and Billie gave a nod. “I do apologize if he scared you. Our tempers are our downfall, and he is protective by nature. Once he cares about someone he will do anything to protect them, and when they get hurt he takes it almost personally because he thinks he didn’t do a good enough job.” She explained. “He should be up and moving get around soon though.” Lucifer came in not much after that and Clary moved away, seeing him smile to Jordyn. “Hello, you must be Jordyn. I must say I haven’t seen Alex get so worked up in a long time over something like this. You must be very special to him.” Lucifer then placed a small vial on the bedside table. “It’s a healing acceleration potion. If you choose to take it if not hold onto it in case you need it. Sorry to cut this short, but Alex asked me to check on you. He is quite worried about you.” He shot a look to Billie as he headed out and Billie left the room just after him and Clary sighed. “What class you have next? I can tell your teacher that you won’t be in if you want.” - Alex woke in stir in his bed, seeing Billie had changed into one of her other uniforms as they had their conversation. Her last words hit him hard. She knew that he had made every choice possible to not end up like their father, and hearing her say he sounded like him, he was a little hurt. He didn’t have much time to linger on it though, Lucifer having come into the room. Alex looked to him and looked to see Ash wasn’t in the room with them. “How are you feeling?” he asked and Alex sighed, sitting up. “A little weak, tired, a little pissed still, but other than that alright. Why did you let Billie do it? You know she’s getting stronger, even if she’s not accepting it still.” Alex said and Lucifer sighed a little. “Because I do try to respect her wishes on certain matters. How we neutralize you when you go off like you did is one of them. I’m just glad to see your form is holding.” He said, “Though, you have another break like that, we’ll have to get you into your next form. Just glad that you have one already picked out. It’s so difficult to find them for Billie. Have to be able to possess both angel and demon.” He said, shaking his head a bit. Alex nodded. “I know. Will you do me a favor? Will you go check on Jordyn? I didn’t want to scare her. Devin just pisses me off. He’s the reason there’s a feud between us and vampires here.” He said, and Lucifer nodded. “I will leave Ash with you then.” He said, taking his leave, and Alex watched as the hound laid on the ground beside his bed. He laid back down and closed his eyes a bit, trying to sleep off his pain. - Once Lucifer had left the room that Jordyn was in, Billie followed, willing Blaze to stay with Jordyn as Storm followed her. She and Lucifer walked for a few moments before they entered the gym again, Storm checking and making sure that they were alone before Lucifer motioned for her sit in front of him in the middle of the floor, as he snapped his fingers and symbols appeared around them to ensure that their conversation was completely private. “Yes, Lucifer?” she asked. He looked at her and she rose a brow. “Your demon powers are quite strong, and you’re growing stronger, but also more unstable. The Arch Mage told me of three incidents last year where he had to step in to keep your secret, and an incident already this year where you have lost grip. You need to accept the fact you are half angel soon otherwise the consequences could be grave.” He said, sternly. “Not to mention I wasn’t very happy with your display with Adrian either.” She gave a small roll of her eyes. They were both speaking in the old demonic language, another added measure for privacy, and her next words caused Lucifer to sigh. “I am a leader here. Adrian broke my rules, if I didn’t punish him, the others would think that they could get away with this as well. I have to keep them in line, especially knowing about the cages.” “You also know that the more you use your demonic powers without balancing them, you put yourself at higher risk for another incident.” He reminded her and Billie just sighed. “And if I make it know, you know that legions of angels will be after me, especially once they find out about the cages.” She said, and Lucifer gave her a stern look. “Billie, you are special. Both light and dark, and though you may never want to show your angelic half, you need to at least accept it and learn from it. I fear what it could do if Azrael surfaces.” He said, and he saw her eyes flash. “Your angelic half will overtake, just as it did in hell when he tried to kill you. Then there is no hiding. If you accept it, you may be able to save yourself some headache.” “I’m aware. It’s the fail safe. But I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it, it’s still too risky here, especially now with Adrian. He’s got a silver tongue, and a hot temper.” She said, and Lucifer stood as Billie did, kissing her forehead. “I worry for you, dear. Just be careful.” He said, “And the pups are here.” She gave a soft smile. “Bring them to the dorm, Blaze will be happy to see them.”