She hadn't been able to drum up the exact response she wanted, but at least there weren't any members standing apart from the group and declaring that they were strong enough to go her own way. It was a sign of trying times that she would even expect such a thing, but it was that sort of maverick and reckless behavior she associated with scholars of the occult. A call from above tore her attention away from the group, although she was unable to crane her neck well with her hood secured. Instead of looking, she listened to the guard's voice. They had made it through the waiting without incident, their introductions were over and, for her at least, preparations began. Given the abominable environment around it and the isolationist attitude its glorious walls projected, she expected little in the way of hospitality from Vulture's Roost. Knowing her hopes of a carriage were worthless, she figured that she would at least be able to refill her supply of preserved foods for the journey. In traveling this far, she had barely dipped into her provisions, but she had no idea how far they would have to go to find Tikkis' potentially existent temple of wonders. A grimace dashed her face as she realized, for an adventure with as bizarre a premise as theirs, it was entirely plausible that they would be venturing out onto the ice north of the continent proper. The procession had started ahead of her, and Lexine made to follow. She reached up with one hand and undid the fastenings of her hood, letting it fall away to her shoulders. After shaking her ashen hair free, she turned her head up to get one last look at the walls of the castle. It was her last chance to see it from this angle, she supposed, as she had no intention of looking back after leaving. She shuffled along after the others, looking back down to the the open gate, and the group of soldiers within. It had been a while since she'd seen full suits of plate such as what they wore, and done up in black the guardsmen of Vulture's Roost were rather intimidating. They were the surest sign of an organized military she had seen since arriving on the continent, although to Gris' credit she hadn't been looking. Their presence gave her hope for finding the amenities of civilization within. The stay in a chair she had set as her minimum required rest seemed all the more closer then.