[center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/NathanMatthews_zps7c727bf7.png[/img] [img]http://cdn.newsday.com/polopoly_fs/1.4735755.1362169859!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/display_600/image.jpg[/img] [hr] Nate chuckled as he returned Acacia tight hug and trying to desperately keep up with her hyped up speech. “Oh Ace don’t you worry it’ll be a blast as always!” Nathan began and was just about to ask Acacia if she knew if Laney was going to be here but then she was gone mentioning something about the party needing to be saved. He turned around shaking his head, she needs to calm down the party was going great. People were dancing and talking to each other. Connor had of course started up a game of beer pong and Aspen passed Nate whispering something about bear costumes for some reason. His smile faltered a little when his unasked question to Acacia answered itself by walking through the door, Laney had just walked in to the mansion with her friend Tyler. Nathan could feel his face turning a shade of pink as he gave the pair an awkward head nod his hand half raised in some attempt at a wave. He spun around in an attempt to find an escape, his eyes fell upon the yearbook editor Martha Banks sitting on the arm of one of the white sofas talking the ear of poor Justin Maloney. Nathan saw his opportunity and took it. He almost sprinted over to them. “…No I’m just saying Maloney, that you’d be funnier if you got a bit raunchier you know!?” Martha slurred at Justin who was leaning away from her looking to Nathan with a pleading look on his face. Nate laughed and motioned him to just leave. “Heeey there Banks! Having a good time?” Nathan said loudly as Martha was about to follow Justin, she turned to him with a glazed smile on her face. “Natey… Love, you came! I put your interview just before I came here!” Martha said with a sheepish smile and then took a sip from her drink. Nathan made a noise that sounded something like cross between a sigh and a sneeze, remembering some of his answers. Martha followed Nathans gaze and when she saw where it landed she smirked “Oh… Well we could fix that at this party! I could…” Nate put a hand on her shoulder to stop her “Bye Martha…” he sighed as he stood up and left her slurring insults at the freshmen girls sitting to close to her now. Nathan decided to step outside to the backyard to get some fresh air and get away from more embarrassment. He slid the door open and walked out closing it behind him; if he wasn’t driving he really could go for a drink right about now. He sat down at one of the tables and looked around the vast yard. He could see people sneaking of to the more shadowy parts to have more privacy. Nathan sat there for some time thinking about nothing and everything, then a voice called his name, he spun around to see one of the guys from the school paper motioning him to come back inside “We’re starting a game of never have I ever! You have to come!”. Nathan nodded and made his way back inside. He sat down beside Connor with his hands raised, Nate laughed as Henry directed a question that he knew would make Connor loose a finger. He remembered the incident Hal was referring to, and it is not something Connor wants the general public to know. The game was picking up speed and people’s fingers were dropping at an alarming rate. Finally it was Nates turn to ask the question, “Hmm. Never have I ever… done drugs! Pot doesn’t count!” He cast a reproachful look at Connor mouthing “Dank weed” as he sat down. [/center]