FINALLY Sleep calls to me but I've left you with the opening post for everyone to play around with. Major thing is the festival. Feel free to play around with whatever that means. Fun stuff is happening so go do some fun stuff or something before things get serious because they're about to. Etsel doesn't have a CS yet I know. I had to put the post out without one so I could get you guys started. I'm making him one tomorrow but he's a minor NPC so don't worry about him too much. He's not important! Tu Zin Short post just to give you something to start with [@Madly33] I have more planned for the settlement I promise but time is forever short. Finally I have much work to do with the OOC and Characters Tab sooo yeah. Sleep first then work then more writing tomorrow. Anyways good night everyone. Have fun. I'll see everyone here tomorrow and mostly likely with a lot to catch up on.