[hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Mayfield[/color], John Cole Sykes, [color=Gray]Quentin Taylor[/color], & Task Force RAVEN.[/i][/h1][sub][i]Written in collaboration with [b][@tsukune][/b], [b][@Zombiedude101][/b], & [b][@DJAtomika][/b][/i][/sub][hr][hider= Psychonauts OST - Agent Cruller's Sacred Hall][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzseE_0Zo3w[/youtube][/hider][hr] As Agents poured into the base, the RAVENs met up at the very place that they first struck. Sonya's group stepped into the atrium, and a group of Agents poured in behind her. Agents also pulled out the Changeling Unit on haulers - strapped up tightly so they wouldn't remember anything. Quentin seemed to be keeping an eye of one of them, but said no more. Sonya put her hands on her hips as she stood in the center of the room, both her ACR, and her Barrett attached tightly to her back. "Well, that's the end of that." She said, as her RAVENs came into the room behind her. Maximilian was hauled into the center of the room by several NEST Agents. While they had to pull out the [i]extra-strength[/i] hauler to get Henry out of there. "Maxi, you, nor my partner aren't looking all that good. The hell happened?" "... We encountered two high ranking REAPERS - [i]Argh![/i]" Maximilian groaned in agony as he clenched his arm. "One put up one hell of a fight - but me and Dragonfly put him down." "Glad to hear that... what about your mission to "put an end to this"?" Sonya asked - and Maximilian swore that, for a moment, she was teasing him. "Those REAPERS we were talking about...." Maximilian said. "They were just buying time for their top brass to get away. They're probably long out of here by now." "... However," Dana chimed in. "I believe if Cyber extracts enough information off their systems, we can find them anyway." Maximilian tried to reach for his datapad - but it was impossible with a broken arm. He pressed his earpiece. "Grue, can you send Cyber a message asking for progress?" "Gladly, sir." Dana quickly typed up a message for their technopathic ally. [u]Cyber, what's your progress?[/u] [quote]Upload at 99%, Grue. The data wipe worm's been deleted.[/quote] The battle had been harrowing and had consumed all of his attention, but he'd finished it. Fighting viruses in cyberspace wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. He floated above a server as he watched the virtual progress bar over the room slowly fill, panting a little in exhaustion. That done, Cole flew back to the main hub and accessed the camera feeds. The little battles within the base were slowly finishing, and the big battle was already won by NEST. [u]We'll be extracting you now. You'll be heading to a safehouse to stay for the next day or so.[/u] "Done." Dana said. There was still more for the wheelchair bound woman to note. "Agents are going through the base, and detaining every scientist they come across." Though, that went without saying, as Agents were literally dragging members of the Hands of Science out of there. "Even without pulling data off their databases, we are finding files and research that really gives us insight into the organization. Along with the fact that we have brought down a major Hands operation. Even if we don't have the Chairmen, we have dealt a major blow against the Hands." "Good," Maximilian said. "Now, I believe we have properly paid them back for the damage PR-1 did." That wasn't all Dana had to say, "Along with the fact that Agents are pulling out what has to be [i]hundreds[/i] of test subjects. It's going to take ages to sort through all of them - but we found them." Daphne, who had been quietly enjoying the telepathic chatter with her floras on what they had seen during the raid (too much, in fact, she almost forgot that she's still on duty), finally said the things she should have told everyone a [i]long[/i] time ago. "Pancrea are now safe and sound." "Pana- Know what? Good to hear." Maximilian said into the comms. "They'll be in a special hideout... Oh, God." Then it hit Max. Now that the mission is a success [i]now[/i] they have to honor Trevor's ridiculous demands. "Oh!" Sonya piped up, almost as if she just remembered something. "There's something I have to do - sorry, Maxi." She turned around, and started running back down the path she came. Followed by Inkshade. [hr] Sonya was going after the woman that the Hands kidnapped, and they tracked her here. Quentin had opted to follow her, if only because he knew waking up in one of those cells was a nightmare and wanted to help ensure no-one else did. Going through the cells, Sonya held a clipboard that had held the names of all the test subjects. Sonya had to remember her name... A squad of NEST Agents came by, hauling some test subjects out that were in terrible condition. Quentin looked on at them with a guilty stare, knowing fully well what they'd probably been through. Agent knew that they were hopefully going to get that person the help she needed - but this was a personal mission that she had to do. When she was done, she was going to do all that she could. She kept going through the cell doors, running her finger over the clipboard, until she stopped. Vannessa Smith. Sonya grinned as she opened the door - every door was unlocked when NEST took control of the facility - and stepped inside. Vanessa Smith was curled up against the wall on the ground, hugging her knees. She didn't took [i]that[/i] bad, but her hair looked a little worse for the wear. Vanessa looked up at Sonya, and her eyes widened... Oh Dear. She thinks that she's a REAPER. That really hurt Sonya's heart. At the same time, it was more motivation to keep fighting. Defeating the Hands of Science. For Quentin, the look on her face was heartbreaking, causing memories of his time in captivity to come flooding back all over again. He broke eye contact the both of them and turned away, taking out his frustrations on one of the empty cell doors with his boot. It [i]really[/i] made him reconsider whether or not he should've crunched more than just one of Heartbreaker's hands. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm with NEST, no one's going to hurt you...." Sonya said, outstretching her slippery hand to the woman. "Came here to get you out of here. Sorry about taking so long, darling." Vannessa took Sonya's hand. [hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Mayfield[/color], Task Force RAVEN, & Heartbreaker.[/i][/h1][hr][hider=Mass Effect 1 OST - The Wards][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0OhKO2bu1s[/youtube][/hider][hr] RAVEN was standing in one of the observation rooms behind the interrogation room. With a certain Changeling being on the other side of the two-way mirror. Maximilian was leaning up against the wall, with a arm-cast on, Sonya was on the ceiling, Dana was across from Max, and Leon was facing the window. In the center of the room, was a table, that had some... firearms. "The base is secure." Dana said, nodding her head. "I can't believe this. We got our hands on a stockpile of weapons, research, and test subjects... speaking of the test subjects, we're still going through them." Dana nodded her head. She scratched the side of her head, trying to find the best way to convey her satisfaction about the turn of events. "Some of the people that we found down there were missing for years!" Dana said. "That's good, that's good!" Sonya loudly said, clapping her hands. "It feels great to finally stick it to those Hands of Bastards!" She looked over to Maximilian. "... Even if we didn't come [i]close[/i] to getting the top brass, it's still a victory, right?" Maximilian let out a sigh. "I guess so, Mayfield." Sonya flicked a thumb in the direction of the window... Which Heartbreaker sitting in the interviewing room. Wearing a bright orange prison suit. Sonya poked a thumb in Heartbreaker's direction. "So! What's the 4-1-1 on her?" "Well..." Dana started off. "We can't track her actual identity. DNA isn't traced to [i]any[/i] records, and we can't get her name." "Workin' on that." Leon chimed in, before he went back to peeking into Heartbreaker's head. "Oh, then let's just register her for future reference!" Sonya said, cheerfully. "Way ahead of you." Dana answered. "But, continuing, she didn't wake up particularly happy... with a broken hand and all." "... Yeah, I'd be mad if my shooting hand was broken." Sonya thought about telling Max about what Quentin did... but, it wasn't like Heartbreaker didn't [i]deserve[/i] it or anything. Just that Quentin shouldn't have been so excessive against an opponent they already stopped. "After we brought her in, we had to do a full on cavity search... she was hiding seven guys on her body." Dana turned over to the table that held all of Heartbreaker's weapons. Seven guns in total, all revolvers, neatly lined up. "All stolen." Sonya reached for one of the guns to examine it. "Oh, I wouldn't touch that one if I were you." Dana immediately noted. "Uh, yeah... I'll take your word for it...." Sonya trailed off, losing her demeanor. "Max, if you need to, we have the Obotts in their safe house. They'll gladly heal you." "No... I would like to have a word with [i]her[/i]." Maximilian said, getting up from off the wall. Nodding his head in the direction of Heartbreaker. "Oh, really?" Dana asked. "We got her so we can get at Bloodsucker - and that's what we're going to do." "Okay." Dana put her finger to her earpiece, and said, "Agent Harwave, you can step out now." "Just make sure that [i]this[/i] one doesn't get out and go on a rampage, heh..." Sonya said, throwing Max a peach soon. All of the RAVENs looked at her - none too pleased with her comment. "Oh, sorry. Too soon?" [hr] Maximilian was sitting across with Heartbreaker - who sported a cocky grin, despite the fact that she was cuffed, and ankle chained. He would have folded his hands on the table - but his arm is currently broken (He would have to get this fixed). This woman was up to something, but Max wasn't phased even in the slightest. He knew what he was dealing with, and Heartbreaker couldn't touch him. "Hello, I am [i]Maximilian Cornell[/i], and I will be-" "Fuck you." Heartbreaker immediately interrupted him. "What?" "Fuck. [i]You.[/i]" Heartbreaker said with a cocky smile on her face. "I ain't telling you [i]shit[/i]. So you can just roll under this table, and [i]blow me[/i]. Because I'm not going to be here for too long." She crudely said. This woman was certainly crude, but Maximilian knew what he was dealing with a little better now... she was cocky that her team would bust her out. "Feeling a little cocky, huh?" Maximilian rhetorically asked. "Yup." Heartbreaker said. "Enjoy this pretty face while you can, because my group will be breaking me out in [i]no time[/i]." "Hmph, is that so...?" Max, rhetorically asked again. Leaning back in his own chair. [i]... Because that's exactly what we're counting on.[/i] "Maximilian," Dana started off, speaking through the comms. "We might have a problem." "What is it?" Max asked. "It's Mark Emerson, Agents went by his house and..." Dana trailed off. "... He and his daughter have been killed." [hr][h1][i]The Hands of Science.[/i][/h1][hr] Escaping her enemies with the help of REAPER, Dr. Cross ran into a room on the other side of the base that could be best described as a loading dock. A dark room, with loading ramps, and trucks. Ignatius, Snowblind, and Revenant were standing in the room. Dr. Cross knelt over, panting. She looked up, and saw that she was missing a certain REAPER. "Where is Wendigo...?" She asked. Ignatius shrugged. "I let him go on a rampage... if he isn't here, then he's dead." "Well, he played his part. His sacrifice won't be forgotten." Dr. Cross said. Snowblind was the next one to speak, "The Changeling Unit was also grabbed by NEST." "[i]God damn it![/i]" Dr. Cross facepalmed. The Hands are losing [i]everything[/i]. She stood straight up, and scoffed it off, "Well, we can't afford to bail them out at this hour. [i]They're on their own[/i]." "Just the words I wanted to hear!" Ignatius said, laughing. Dr. Cross walked up to them, "Revenant, get us out of here." She grabbed onto the REAPER's hand, and Snowblind grabbed her hand. The four disappeared in a flash of light. Far away from the base. [hr] When they reappeared, they appeared in a dark room that looked much like an expensive hotel room. The only hint to where their location was the fact that the large windows were overlooking the city. The four appeared in the room, and Revenant immediately stumbled over to a sofa. Exhausted from all of the teleportation. "... You're here." Eliza said, turning to face them from over by the bar. "What a beautiful clusterfuck that was, yeah?" She said, her accent especially thick. The Hands Chairmen were scattered around the room. All teleported here by Revenant - except for Suan-Ni, who opted to take his own escape. Dr. Cross sighed. "... I have no idea how they found the base." "It's great to see that you have security [i]nailed[/i]." Eliza said with a cocky grin on her face. "Don't start." Dr. Cross hissed. "We all took a loss." "Now, tell me..." Nathaniel said, sitting on the opposite end of the bar from Eliza. "This is your safehouse?" "It's in fact my home." Dr. Cross said. "Slash personal lab. Don't worry, there's no way in hell that NEST will find this place - and if they don't, I have a surprise for them." "So, what the hell do you expect us to do?" Eliza asked, raising an eyebrow and her glass. "Stay here?" "Yes." Dr. Cross said. "Since they have found my headquarters, we have no choice but to lay low. We cannot risk them finding us." "... While your kind generals will be taking those risks." Ignatius bowed sarcastically. Dr. Cross ignored him. "Even if you have to stay here for months, we have no choice - every base might be compromised." "Excellent," Eliza said. "We come to you for help, and they're on the verge of pulling your operation from under you." "I can fix this. Just give me time." Dr. Cross said. "It's all about the pursuit of science. We can't let this set-back stop us." "But, we have to launch a counter-attack against them... RAVEN is proving to be more of a threat than taking out our lower-tiered Agents." Ignatius said. "Ignatius, do just that." "Can I blow up stuff?" "Yes." "Then I'll burn the RAVEN'S nest. To. The. [i]Ground....[/i]" [hr][h1][i]The Changeling Unit[/i][/h1][hr] "Now where were we...." Luis said, leaning into his victim - a bald-headed man with blue eyes, wearing NEST armor, strapped to a chair in the middle of what had to be in some house's basement. It was dark other than the light above. Luis' brown eyes were looking into his, giving him a wry grin. He poked his finger into the man's chest. "Since you won't listen to our [i]compelling[/i] arguments and give us what we want...." He pulled out a knife that was hanging off his hip, and pressed it up against the man's cheek. Drawing a trickle of blood as he dragged it down through his flesh. "... What good are you, really?" The man spat right in Luis's eyeball. Before he snarled, "Fuck you. I'm not telling you shit." "Thank you, you didn't get [i]that[/i] point across the last twenty times you said that...." Luis rolled his eyes. Wondering what way he should end this Agent's life. Quick and easy? Or drag it out? So many possibilies, and so [i]much[/i] time. It's not like- "Bloodsucker," A man stepped into the room, standing quite tall, and wearing a black duster, and black body armor underneath it. A wide-brimmed cowboy hat covered his badly scarred face. "We have a problem." The man said in his harsh voice. "Shade, can it wait?" Luis said, turning his head halfway over to his companion. His gaze fixed itself on their prisoner. "God, tonight, we have soooo many interruptions..." He trailed off. "They have Heartbreaker." "... What?!" Luis nearly jumped up, and turned around to face Shade. "NEST has Heartbreaker in custody... Mannequin personally phoned me and said the base got attacked - he's the only one of the four that got away.." Shade said, lowering his hat. "So..." Luis said, utterly in disbelief, he stepped over to Shade, and poked him in the chest. "... You're telling me that Heartbreaker, while helping the Hands, got captured by NEST?" "Yes, that's exactly what I said." "[i]GOD DAMN IT![/i]" Bloodsucker shouted, throwing his knife back at the Agent - but his body armor stopped it. He facepalmed. "This is not good..." He muttered. "We know that NEST has telepaths..." "Yes." Luis said, "And who do you think knows just as much about what goes on 'in the shadows' as I do...?" "It's obviously Heartbreaker." Shade said. "... Which is why we're getting her back soon as possible." "Good God..." Bloodsucker said. "Alright, we're going to Verthaven. And we're going to fuck up NEST. Even if we have to drop the Berserker on them." "Um, boss..." Shade said, pointing at their prisoner. "And you're acting like they aren't already expecting us..." Luis rolled his eyes. "... Or that we're going to leave him alive." He started pacing into the shadows. "We'll have to put a halt to our Toronto plans... You know the drill Shade; give NEST a fake tip, wire the surrounding base to explode, and blow the whole hideout to kingdom come right when they show up." Shade nodded his head, and turned towards their prisoner. A roll of duct tape floated from no where into his hand, and he wrapped the Agent's mouth with duct tape. Before a C4 bomb floated from the darkness and landed on the Agent's lap. Shade pulled out a phone. [hr] A few hours later... The rest of the Changeling Unit finally arrived in Verthaven. In the dead of the night, they moved through the Eastover woods to one destination, each of them were obscured by hoods... The Emerson household was their objective. When the group arrived at the steps, Luis pulled down his hood, and grinned evily. He was the one that took heavy steps up their stairs, and walked up to the door. He opened the screen door, and took a step back as he kicked down the door. Displaying such strength that he sent the door flying down into the house. He took steps in, and looked around. He heard someone run downstairs, and he came face to face with his target. Mark Emerson. Naturally, the bird-man's eyes opened widely upon seeing the Changeling Unit. Almost as if he dreaded this moment. Well, Luis was definitely something to be afraid of... but, he didn't strike enough fear into Mark's heart, or else he wouldn't have betrayed the Unit. Luis was grinning widely. "What is it, Mark?" He shrugged as he took a step forward. "Seen a ghost?" Shade stepped in, and pointed his hand at Mark - the bird man went flying through his house until he stopped when he hit the wall. The sound of bones cracking was followed by Luis quickly running up. He grabbed the slumping Mark by the neck, and raised him, pressing him up against the wall. Luis looked down for a moment, and saw the collar around his neck. "B-Bloodsucker!" Mark managed to mouth out the words. Terrified because it felt like Luis could crush his throat in one clench. "No." Luis said, "Call me [i]Luis[/i]... only my enemies call me Bloodsucker. Though, at this point, you've made an enemy out of me." "I'm sorry, they caught me!" Mark said. "Hmmm... Nah... from the way I heard it, they asked you to come, and you went right up to them." Luis tilted his head to the side, and started tapping his chin. "... Nah, I can't make sense out of why." "I jus-just wanted to protect my daughter!" "And we would have helped you if you just [i]let[/i] us." Luis said, "But, no, you betrayed us the first chance you got." Luis tilted his head, grinning. "Where is your loyalty, Emerson?" He stared him right in the eye. "I thought that your [i]initiation[/i] would have been enough to secure your place in the group for [i]years[/i] to come." Luis remembered Mark's initiation like it was nothing. The bastard barely carried himself through it, and [i]somehow[/i] - against all odds - survived. It was like a Christmas Miracle. He earned Luis' respect... Only to toss it away like the bastard he is. "I see it like this, Emerson," Luis started, tightening his grip on Mark's neck that it got a [i]lot[/i] less comfortable for him to breath. "The Changeling Unit is like one big [i]family[/i], a family that [i]helps[/i] each other." Luis said, grinning. "Your problem was that you never saw us as a family, and saw us as enemies, I see." Luis released his grip a little bit to let Mark breath. "... And that makes me [i]very[/i] disappointed in you." "... But, but-" "Oh, no. No buts." Luis tossed Mark into the ground like it was nothing. He hit his shoulder really hard, but Luis stood overtop of Mark, and slammed his boot down on Mark's back. "NEST killed a great deal of the Unit, that [i]I[/i] selected. And while you didn't shoot the gun, you sure as hell aimed it." "... Daddy!" The voice of a young girl appeared in the hallway, and the Mannequin dragged Sophia into the room. Holding an extended blade to her throat. "Sophia! Leave her alone!" Mark said. "Oh, you should have thought about [i]that[/i] one before you crossed us." Luis picked Mark up by the neck yet again, and held him over his head. "You really should have... You knew exactly what you're dealing... and it's clear that NEST doesn't give a shit about you, or else they would have [i]at least[/i] given you a little bit more protection." Luis shrugged. "But it is what it is." "I'll do anything!" Mark said. "Please, just leave her alone!" Only to be ignored by Luis. "I would take that collar off, and give you a [i]fair[/i] fight, but we're a little short on time." Luis pulled two fingers back, almost like he was cocking them. A shame his daughter would have to watch this. He drove them into Mark's skull. Piercing it. Mark was still very much alive, shaking as his eyes peeked upwards. However, that wasn't the end of it. Blood was pulled out through the wounds, which traveled down his arm, and was absorbed into his skin. Mark screamed violently as this process went on, shaking uncontrollably. His skin desaturated, and turned grey. He started looking more and more like a corpse. Until Luis took the last drop of blood. "[i]Aaaaaaaaah![/i] That was [i]refreshing![/i]" Luis said, sporting a wide slasher-smile stood over what was left of Mark's bodyon the ground. A withered husk. "Very refreshing, indeed!" He raised his boot up into the air, and slammed it down on Mark's skull. Crushing it underneath is foot. "No mercy, Mark." Sophia loudly screamed - and her mouth was covered by Mannequin's hand. Shade pointed a thumb at Sophia. "What do we do about the brat, boss? She's too old to be sold." "Hmmmm..." Luis thought about it for a moment as he stepped over to Sophia, and knelt down until they were eye-level. He stared the terrified girl in the eyes. "Just kill her. We don't have time to play around." He shrugged as he stood straight up. The Mannequin was disappointed he didn't get to work with her... However, he has to follow orders. He retracted the blade that was hovering over her throat - and slashed it open. A stream of blood came out of her throat, and painted the carpet, until she dropped over dead. "Well," Luis dryly said, as he stood over her. "I guess that's the end of that. Who's up for Poker?" The Changeling Unit left the Emerson household. Leaving behind a grim warning for NEST. [hr][h3]One week later... 4:31 PM[/h3][hr] Once again, TVs across Verthaven showed news with Molly Schuler. "[i]Hello, hello, Verthaven. This is Molly Schuler with the news. It has been a week since the newly formed Task Force RAVEN has dealt a major blow against the Hands of Science's operations in Verthaven. Agents have located, and attacked a base. Disabling their security, and all of their active personel. After a brief skirmish with their forces, NEST has successfully secured the base. Managing to recover a treasure trove of research, weaponry, and illegal test subjects. Arresting hundreds of members of the Hands of Science.[/i]" "[i]Speaking of those test subjects, they are hundreds of Metahumans gathered from all over the west coast. Men, women, children - and some of which have been down there for years. NEST is sorting out what will happen to these former test subjects, and getting them homes as we speak. It's apparently been a long one, but everyone is pulling together to make sure that everyone comes out unscatched.[/i]" "[i]However, information that RAVEN has taken from the base has put them in the direction of other Hands of Science operations. And in just a week, three labs have been discovered and knocked over. Those labs weren't as large as the big one they've raided, however, and they're lead to believe that there are several more in Verthaven. On the other side of things, the Changeling Unit fugitives have been discovered in the base, and have been arrested. They are Heartbreaker, Witch Mother, and Fig. The Mannequin is still out there, and extremely dangerous. Do not approach if spotted.[/i]" The screen switch to Maximilian Cornell, standing behind a podium in front of NEST Headquarters. His arm has been healed by Trevor Obott a few nights back. "[i]Hello, hello. I am glad that Task Force RAVEN has been successful thus far - but we will not stop working hard until the Hands of Science, and all their allies, are in prison. But this is more than just fighting the Hands of Science, this is about regaining public trust in NEST. I know many Agents caused grief and harm to innocent people. I know they ruined many lives. And I know that people have a legitimate reason to hate us. But I will do my best to correct the damage they caused. Starting by bringing down the corrupt men and women who carelessly started all of this. We won't stop until everything is as it should be![/i]" The screen went back to Molly. "[i]However, NEST has released to the press that Miranda Caryl has died during a prison break last week. She was murdered by one of the escapees. Every one of the prisoners were killed, or detained again, during the efforts by NEST to capture them again.[/i]" "[i]Finally, the rain has seemingly reaked it's peak. It's gotten to the point where sunshine seems to be rare now. However, I also have to report that there have been an increasing amount of attacks while in the rain. Particularly against Verthaven's metahuman population. People have reported strange looking monsters. NEST has gotten involved, and they are investigating the matter as we speak.[/i]" [hr] [hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Mayfield[/color], & [color=Plum]Trevor Obott[/color].[/i][/h1][hr][hider=Build - Palm Tree][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g1DEzk8BQk[/youtube][/hider][hr] "... [i]Yeah! You tell 'em![/i]" Sonya shouted as the news report went on by. She was sitting on the sofa on the NEST lounge. Once again, it was downtime for the RAVENs. Everyone was off doing their thing, waiting for the next mission. Sonya, on the other hand, was doing Henry a solid. "Hey, who are you talking to?" Trevor said, wearing a flannel shirt, and jean pants, scarfing down a donut from the counter. "The TV! I need to cheer on the team!" Sonya said. "I wish that [i]I[/i] was the one doing the interviews for the news! Maxi is so droll sometimes!" "... You know those things are one way, right?" Trevor put on a wry grin as he bit the last piece of donut. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Sonya flicked her hand as she hopped up to her feet. "You ready, Obott?" "To shoot your fancy guns, nah, nah," Trevor closed his eye as he shrugged. "Just came here to eat all your donuts, and watch you shout at TVs." "Oh you." Sonya said as she skipped her way over to the door. Gesturing for Trevor to follow, "Come on." Trevor followed behind her as she made her way over to the shooting range. This was the solid; taking this little brat shooting. She's only doing this because she's waaaay better at guns than Henry, and she's always one to share her knowledge. What good is this impressive marksmanship if you don't share it? This might actually be fun. Best of all Sonya would have made a friend in the boy! "You know," Trevor said as he walked alongside Sonya. Running his hands through his hair. "Do you think I can become an Agent, and all that noise?" He asked. "Ooooooh! What makes you want to do that?!" Sonya asked. "Big lizardman Henry." Trevor said. "He's a real inspiration, y'know?" He knew that Henry was a good friend... despite the fact that he exploited the lizardman for stupid demands. Though... after the raid, the boy thought about the impact of his actions. Hell, they managed to save a lot of people because of him, and maybe he should think about that rather than stupid favors to annoy Henry. Maybe he could put this awful power to good use, and help more people. And increase his chances of getting the booty. "Yeah, yeah, I know..." Sonya said, putting her hands behind her back. "But, seriously, your odds are as low as they get! Have you taken a look at yourself?" Trevor looked down. "... You're thin as a rail! And barely even taller than me! You need to bulk up if you're going to be a real NEST Agent. Because, on the job, you need to be in peak physical condition if you're going to last five seconds!" Sonya explained. "... but I'll shatter my fragile femininity!" Trevor sarcastically shouted. "In the war on evil Metahumans," Sonya started off. "You gotta make sacrifices! Know how many times I lost this arm alone?" Sonya put up her hand. "At least [i]ten[/i], it's like the universe wants to tear it off because it'll come back!" Trevor laughed again. "Though, [i]maybe [/i]you'll make the cut," Sonya said, looking him right in the eye. "[i]Maybe-[/i]" but if you do become a NESTie, you'll never beat my record, darling! Maybe you might beat Leon's friendly fire record, but definitely not mine! I have over three-hundred confirmed kills." Trevor shrugged. "... How about I prove my shooting prowess in the range?" "I'd like to see that," Sonya started off. "I'll have to teach you a few things. Oh, yeah, we're here." Sonya and Trevor stepped inside the shooting range. [hr][h1][i][color=Dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color], [color=Red]Meifeng Vuhong[/color], & [color=Yellow]Mika Baozai[/color].[/i][/h1][hr][hider=Toro y Moi - High Living][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlD-2Dx5868[/youtube][/hider][hr] "... How [i]annoying[/i]." Lihua said to herself right as the news report ended. Not only did those bastards go on to storm the castle without her, they have the utter [i]audacity[/i] to move on like she was never there in the first place. Like her contributions never mattered. Lihua let out a sigh, as she reached into her purse and pulled out a metal flask full of whiskey. "[i]Yeah, that's[/i] definitely [i]appropriate while holding a baby....[/i]" Meifeng's voice came from the seat next to her. Wearing an outfit that was unusual for her (Mostly because Lihua made her wear it). A white dress shirt, and a plaid pattern skirt (With red converse sneakers). A deviation from Meifeng's usual tomboy outfits - mostly because Meifeng never wears a skirt unless she was forced to. She was sitting in the chair with one leg folded over the other. She reminded Lihua that she was holding Lijuan in her other arm. Keeping this feisty child from running all over the place. She couldn't risk it. "[i]... And in a public place.[/i]" Meifeng said, rolling her eyes. She [i]also[/i] reminded Lihua that she was in the Grand Byzantium Hotel, in Turtle-Creek. Here to meet a certain someone. The Hotel lobby was a nice place. Tile floors, a nice wooden ceiling, and this lobby was large, with plenty of sofas, and a nice large screen TV. Due to the status of the hotel, they were essentially the only people in there. "[i]... I don't get why[/i] I'm [i]here.[/i]" The last of the three noted in Chinese. Mika Baozai. Lihua's niece, who is currently staying with the Vuhongs for now. The chubby woman was wearing a white night dress, with white wedge sandals. Her eyes were, of course, behind thin-framed glasses. "Well, for starters, stop using our language." Meifeng was quick to hiss at Mika in English. "Oh, I [i]wasn't[/i] aware an entire language was exclusive to you." Mika narrowed her eyes at her cousin. "You're not even Chinese - you're [i]part[/i] Chinese. You're half Japanese." "That's incredibly racist." Mika noted. "Girls, enough." Lihua hissed as she put her flask back into her purse. Even though Mika is older, hearing them bicker damn near all the time made them [i]both[/i] sound like five year olds. Meifeng grunted, giving her mouth a flat look. Well, Mika did ask a question that went unanswered. "[i]You're[/i] here because I want to settle this little dispute between you and your dad so [i]you[/i] can be out of the house." Mika gave Meifeng a dry look. "It has nothing to do with you." "Well it does since you're taking up space in my house." Meifeng said. "And I mean [i]space.[/i]" "Girls...." Lihua stood straight up, sounding like she was about to reprimand the girls, before she nodded her head ahead of herself. "[i]He's here.[/i]" Lihua quickly stepped over the front doors, followed by Meifeng and Mika - who were bickering pointlessly as usual. Though, Lihua didn't pay them any mind. She was facing the two people who just walked into the hotel. A man and a woman. A man and a woman that was [i]very[/i] familiar to her. "[i]Brother...[/i]" Lihua said in Chinese. Lihua was facing her much older brother, Jiao-Long. A man that was taller than she was, which was hard to tell since he was hunched over. He held his hands behind his back. He was wearing a suit, and his hair was starting to grey. Lihua and Jiao-long didn't look all that much alike - with Lihua's features being sharper - but there was at least a resemblance. "[i]Hello,[/i] Qiao-" Jiao-long said, before the man caught himself - earning himself a fierce look from Lihua that left the two girls befuddled. "[i]Sister, sister, how have you been?[/i]" Jiao long asked, opening his arms for a hug. It hurt Lihua's pride a bit, but she moved in to accept the hug. She was released from her brother's grip soonish. "Father." Mika said the word, like an insult. Which Lihua caught up on, but was unsure of just [i]what[/i] caused their fight. However, this was just about much of what Mika said. Her lips were sealed during the rest of the conversation. There was something that Lihua noticed about Jiao-long that seemed a little off... her eyes drifted towards his hand, and she eyed that it was covered in bandages. [i]Huh?[/i] She pointed at her brother's hand. "[i]Jiao-Long, what happened to your hand?[/i]" "[i]Oh-[/i] this?" Jiao-Long put his hand out as he quickly stammered for a response. There was a couple second pause. "[i]There was a lab accident in one of the Savior buildings. I got burned. Everything should be fine.[/i]" "[i]Alright then, I hope you are okay.[/i]" Jiao-Long merely pulled his collar as he focused on Lijuan. A subject change. He leaned in, and put his finger out. The baby grabbed onto it, and playfully bit it. "[i]And this is little Lijuan? I never seen her in person![/i]" "[i]Wait, what?[/i]" Meifeng scratched the side of her head the exact moment that Jiao-Long said this. Throwing a suspicious look over to her mother. Because she [i]swore[/i] that, before Lihua's little downward spiral, Lihua said that both of them were hanging out with Jiao-Long... and suddenly he has never seen her in person? "[i]Yeah, you never seen her before, huh?[/i]" Meifeng said as she turned towards Lihua. Lihua tried her best to ignore her daughter. "[i]Yes, and she's been quite[/i] excited [i]to meet you.[/i]" She said in a mushy tone that was almost uncharacteristic. "[i]Would you like to hold her?[/i]" She asked, holding out her baby daughter a bit. "Yes, yes..." Jiao-Long said as he grabbed her. Holding her by her sides. He examined her - however, Lijuan didn't exactly like this. She started smacking him in the face, shouting, until Lihua took her back. There was a brief awkward silence. "... [i]She just does that sometimes.[/i]" Lihua said. "[i]Sorry.[/i]" "[i]It is fine... maybe she'll come to like me when she gets older.[/i]" Jiao-Long said to Lihua, sporting a cheerful smile on her face. "[i]But... there is something I wanted to talk to you about,[/i] Q- [i]sister.[/i]" Jiao-Long said, stepping in and getting a curious look from his sister. "[i]I've been having a few conversations with Meifeng....[/i]" "... [i]Oh.[/i]" Meifeng said out loud. Oh boy. She was sincerely hoping that he would keep his mouth shut about what she said. This was not going to be good.... "[i]And?[/i]" Lihua raised an eyebrow. "[i]... And she's been telling me when you have been acting... strange. A bit more stressed and exhausted than usual. Which I believe might be because of your NEST work, and if you need me to, I will take Lijuan and Meifeng back with me to Black Fall until everything is looking safe here in Verthaven.[/i]" Lihua's hand clenched. God damn it. Why can't this little girl keep her mouth shut for [i]two[/i] god damn seconds? One thing that Lihua hated was having her business broadcasted. "... [i]Maybe someone needs to keep their mouth shut, yes?[/i]" Lihua's eyes drifted towards her daughter. Good grief. She better not get the same speech she's been getting for the past two weeks. Because it's something she's getting tired of. "[i]I'll tell you the same thing I told Meifeng; I am[/i] fine[i], and you do not need to worry about me." After the words left her mouth, she pulled her flask out of her purse, and started drinking it. "[i]Sister, you shouldn't drink in such excess.[/i]" Jiao-long noted. Now that annoyed Lihua a bit. Buzzed on alcohol, the woman stood her ground, "[i]I may be younger, but I am[/i] not [i]a child, Jiao-long. Stop treating me like one.[/i]" Lihua said - but before she let Jiao-long say anything in response. "[i]And my girls don't need to go[/i] anywhere [i]they've been fine with me because I've been working my ass off keeping it that way.[/i]" "[i]You don't need to be defensive, I am merely suggesting.[/i]" Jiao-long said. "[i]And I am merely[/i] suggesting [i]that you mind your own business for once in your life.[/i]" Lihua leaned in hissing out the words. "Especially, [i]when you don't even take care of your own kids. In the two years I was there,[/i] I [i]was taking care of your girls more than you did.[/i]" Now that pissed Jiao-long off. "[i]You're always pushing everyone away![/i]" Jiao-Long shouted right into his little sister's face. "You're [i]always getting into everyone's business like you're a god damn hero![/i]" Lihua shouted back. "Whoa, whoa, whoa...." Meifeng said in English as she got in between the two, holding her hands up. "This is getting a little heated, don't you think? How about we take five and come back...?" Lihua groaned as she turned and walked right out the door. Followed by Meifeng. When she stepped out the door, she shook her head. "... [i]Hey, what the hell?[/i]" Meifeng said, running up to her mother. "[i]You didn't have to be such a di- jerk, mom. He was only trying to help.[/i]" "[i]And I keep saying I don't- know what? I tire of this. How about we "take five" just like you said?[/i]" Lihua resigned. "[i]Yeah, sure. There's lots of stuff in the Downtown district.[/i]"