[quote=@lydyn] I have to say, I'm not finding much inspiration for this right now. While I enjoy Elowen very much, I just don't see her getting along with others at the current moment. I guess in a way, the group kind of felt jaded in the first place the more I saw posts and now that so many left, it seems even more so. I've always hated the 'strike on your own' type of group RPs, which this has almost become. It's like Superhero RPs - love them to death, but it gets boring just writing your own story and having limited interaction with others... yes, I recgonize Elowen could visit anyone, but... really, what reason do half of these legendary figures have for banding together? They're all out for them and theirs it seems... lol. I guess what I'm saying is... I'm iffy if I'm staying or not, leaning towards calling it quits. It's certainly nothing personal towards anyone here, of course and I hope no one feels that way. ^.^ [/quote] I agree that character interaction has been a bit of a stumbling block for the RP thus far, but if it factors into your decision, the efforts of we tge GMs are currently dedicated to guiding the plot so that the characters meet up and form groups of two or three. This is vital for the next stage of the plot. Elowen herself has a free ticket to begin interacting with any character of her choosing.