Hi there everyone, Acceptably Psycho here (And yes, before anyone points is out, my username does say "[u]Ac[/u]eptablyPsycho, that is due to the ridonkulous rule of the 15 char max user name...but I digress) So I've been sulking around this forum for a number of weeks, reading interesting and popular forums here and there, before working up the courage to hit the Register button. I'm more of a native to the Tabletop style of RPG, this Play-by-Post is kinda new to me (Although seems to be built around common sense more than anything, so there's no shirt supply of that for me...ahem). I'm a Pathfinder born player, however, after leaving college and finding groups outside of college hard to come by, I decided to DM instead. So you may see me jumping in and out of either role throughout. Recently I've come into D&D 5e and find it very light on a good side and plan on jumping into a recently posted Interest Check (am I saying that right?) in regards to one. See you on the other side. AC