[quote=@Cubix] Galuntrug's gonna be the first to fall... probably... [/quote] [quote=@Cultural Titan] Raven wouldn't mind getting his home back =P [/quote] I don't mind fighting a losing guerrilla battle, kinda like the Rangers of Gondor. Those guys gave 15 year old me a raging semi back in the day. Galuntrung could perhaps be the opening flash point? Kalar starts encountering a little more than mere bandits, reports his findings to the local sheriff/lord/whoever, and then wages a fighting retreat against a superior force that is seemingly appearing from nowhere... or in this case, the White Woods. Meanwhile, the Crown can be debating their response. I dunno, I'm open to anything. I'm not one of those guys that RPs like it's a game on his playstation, I'm here for the story and little else. If a castle has to burn and a character has to die to get the story pumping, then that's all fine by me.