[@Brother Arcane] [i] Thanks! :) These creatures, or as they are called "mahlimae" are little aliens or monsters of a sort that like to grow in moldy, dusty, dirty places. Such as the little abandoned house our group of characters decided to break into and explore. I didn't want to spoil what they look like too much, but I have photos of them of each mahlimae that will be assigned to each character at the start of the role play. I'm going to randomly assign each mahlimae a side effect, and then the players will choose at random at which one they'd like to have, based on appearance. Depending on what the group direction we'd like to take, these side effects can be as silly as; growing an inch shorter each day, or as serious and scary as your family members passing away one by one. Things I've thought about but would like input on: - Can they only be seen by the group? - What are their purpose for being here? - Do we have to find a way to get rid of them? Hope that helped a little, I kind of jumped the gun on this idea as it popped in my head this morning. I tend to ramble a lot too, so it doesn't help much :D[/i]