[hider=Aletha Lucero] [center][b]Name: [/b] Aletha Lucero [b]Age: [/b] 16 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Sexuality: [/b] Homosexual [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dUCdyrm.jpg[/img] She has one steel plates strapped on both sides of her waste, and tends to wear lots of accessories for "safe measures." [b]Personality: [/b] She is basically a bundle bursting with joy and energy. She always looks on the bright side regardless how bad things are. On one side she is a complete child at heart and isn't afraid to make embarrassing side remarks. She also loves using this attitude to push all the wrong buttons on people. On the other side she mocks people and is completely insensitive to others feelings, especially to the people she doesn't like. she is very quick to judge, so first impression matter drastically with her. She has trouble feeling emotions and how other people feel. Probably her most dangerous trait is that she simply can't comprehend death and the significant of life. Her two main emotions is happiness or joy and anger or jealously. [b]Type: [/b] Ability [b]Abilities: [/b] Matter Manipulation So basically, with the help of the receiver, she can change that way atoms are connected to form the shape of any object she wants. The bigger the shape the more energy she needs to make it, same thing with precision. She can only focus on one element at a time and the more precise the item she makes it the more energy it takes. Her weapon of choice is a metal stick about five feet tall with a blade on one side. This requires very little energy and is very easy to wield. Her distance of rearranging atoms is only about ten feet away from here. Any further will take more energy than its usually worth to create and precision becomes much more limited. It is also possible, if in deep sync with her receiver, to change the element as well though this require extreme amounts of energy, and theoretically she could also create and remove items for existence, though the energy they believe it would take, seems impossible to achieve. [b]Skills: [/b] Natural swords woman and martial artist. Is a excellent liar, not that anyone knows that of course. Has really good luck that she considers a skill even though it really isn't. Shows no mercy to anyone in battle, and does it with a smile. [b]Brief Backstory: [/b] Well her story isn't happy one in the slightest. She doesn't remember much of her childhood with her original parents but she remembers always smiling with them...and there death. Her father owned and taught multiple activities at a dojo and her mom worked with him. One of Aletha's favorite activities was fencing. Aletha also had a older sibling called Lilly though she doesn't remember anything about her. Her parents got involved in a terrible accident and died including her older sister. What's worse is that it happens right in front of her. I'll leave the Gory description out but what basically happens is that they stopped at the side of the road to pick her up from Nero's house, her best friend at the time. Some idiot going way past the speed limit hits the car, just before she got in, in such a way that when they crashed the front of the car was used like a ramp and knock the complete top half of the car off, with everyone else inside. She just stood there in shock unable to responed to what just happens staring at her family's corpses. Nero's mother quickly brought her inside after hearing the crash from inside and called the police. After much discussion and paperwork they finally manage to make Nero's parent her legal guardians. Within moments after she saw what happened she thought this thing was normal since she always heard about people dying on the TV and decided to do what she always did best. Smile. [b]Receiver: [/b] N/A[/center][/hider] [hider=Nero Winterfield] [center][b]Name: [/b] Nero Winterfield [b]Age: [/b] 16 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Sexuality: [/b] Heterosexual [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140325065552/of-men-and-titans/images/d/da/Tumblr_ll1lggQS8g1qf8r8uo1_500.jpg[/img] Tends to look and wear ragged clothes and usually has bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Doesn't wear glasses. [b]Personality: [/b] He is completely insecure about himself and is extremely socially awkward. When he does mingle with groups he usually stays quite unless spoken too or feels he has something worth saying, which isn't much. He has few interest but if you get him talking about one of them he will go on for hours and still not get through half of the things he wants to say on the subject. He constantly needs someone to look up to to help him strive to become better, for the better or worse. [b]Skills: [/b] Excellent strategist and a level thinker under stress. Make decent meals to eat Knows multiple coding languages Is amazing at video games in general. [b]Brief Backstory: [/b] Him and Aletha were best friends as long as he can remember. His first day of school he was extremely shy and was a prime target for bullies. After a few days he met Aletha. She ask him a few question and he mumbled a response and it seemed like it didn't matter because she said she liked him and want to be friends. He though she was crazy standing up to thoughts bullies and wasn't afraid of anything. Very soon the accident happened and they became a whole lot closer now that they were living together and practically became brother and sister. He began looking up to her thinking that she's gone through so much and yet can still smile like nothing had happened. He thought she was very strong and wanted to be just as brave as her, though he found that extremely hard and ended up falling back into place having to be protected by her every time he was in trouble. He became especially socially awkward when he started to read more complex books and play video games, shutting himself in his room for most of the day when at home. There, in the virtual world, he felt like he was just as strong as, or even stronger than Aletha and became addicted to the games, but not to any extreme. He never seemed to find fault in Aletha decisions even when they seemed obviously bad, though the repercussions he continuously reminded her about usually stopped her. [b]Tuner:[/b] N/A[/center][/hider]