Thanneth gave no verbal response; she nodded once and found Esgal, her horse. Mounting swiftly, she urged Esgal into a walk, moving next to and slightly behind Revan, hiding her wound from his eyes. Others were more hurt than she. Let the healers deal with them first; she would seek aid when those near death were brought back from the brink. [hr] Cynraed hadn't been too much help during the battle. He had charged around on Fyrmund, the sturdy Clydesdale giving him a height advantage, and dealt out what wounds and kills he could. To be fair, though, the orcs had given him a good few wounds. Nothing that would necessitate the loss of a limb, thankfully, but he was losing more blood than he was comfortable with. Dismounting, he tore strips out of his shirt and started fashioning crude but serviceable bandages from them. This, he had some experience with. Accidents happened on farms, and somewhat often, he had to prevent the loss of blood while waiting for a doctor to arrive. Quickly and efficiently, Cynraed bandaged as many of his cuts as he could before mounting Fyrmund once again and waiting for the order to move out.