Eranah stood up and got prepared even as she spoke to their attempt to console her. "It isn't so much that. I know we'll get home, it's just. Mortality is something of a foreign concept. I understand it, but I've never exactly experienced it. I die, and then I return to the astral sea to be reborn. While the loss of that life is sad, it is by no means permanent. Memories and impressions from them persist, but this time... not even the gods are here. There may be no connection to the astral sea, it could be if I die here...that's it. Thousands of lifetimes simply ended. It just is a lot to take in and realize. That this time, death may very well be a very permanent thing." She spoke as if it were only the three of them there, she didn't particularly care if these people heard about what she was. Chances were, if they didn't know what she was it wouldn't matter, and if they did know she was a Deva they would already have an idea of what she was saying.