"Thanks, though, I feel like I should have claimed the title a lot sooner then I did. Still it's good to finally have that goal out of the way and in the books." she said to Sakuya before turning to Dani. "Oh I doubt that. I'm not using the Barbatos I used to claim the US title here. I have two Gunpla just for this event, and even IF you remember the one. It was only 20% finished then, and the other you've never seen before." Alexis said with a grin. "and it is as you say, the time is closing fast where I'm going to have to put my Gunpla on the shelf for good and devote my self to rising my daughter. So I'll give both of you this one warning. I'll be going even harder then I used to from here on out, because for me, this really might be my last 'battle'"