[quote=@TheWindel] Ah, greetings. It has been a while. There was a loli Esper with a thing for doughnuts who ran a school back then, wasn't there? As for your character, are you going to explain why she constantly shifts personalities? Or is that a spoiler for her story later down the line? [/quote] Indeed. She doesn't shift personalities constantly enough that it will likely come up in the roleplay unless you do a year time-lapse somewhere, but it is frequent enough that her past is more or less irrelevant and that she's not a very trustworthy long term ally. I am considering having one or two details that stick with her and allow her some character growth that matters, and some more concrete obstacles to overcome. But that depends on whether, once I actually get to roleplaying, I see myself as needing to be a protagonist, antagonist, or supporting cast. If I'm a protagonist, I might need some weaknesses to overcome and some epiphanies to have. If I'm an antagonist, I might want some good old tearjerkers for why I is teh evils and it is the sads when you beat me, or alternatively reasons to be a noble villain and lay groundwork for conversion to good guy side. And if I'm the cooky supporting cast, keeping things light and fluffy at least for starters is a good idea. And that all depends on who else is playing and what they're playing. For example, if the primary swing of the cast is Imperium hunting down the Librarian, I'm functionally an antagonist, at least until people switch sides.