[center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1522/e96e5c5b095abb60d9c7179e6ca286c1a9620f6b.jpg?1595075[/img] [i]His clothes consist of a cotton coat with some dark green tinted leather embedding, loose white cottons pants and a pair of black leather boots. Both hands are also covered by matching black leather gloves that reach his elbows for protection; nothing more than that, he dresses quite simply.[/i] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Regis Breyn [b]Age:[/b] Seventeen [b]Allegiance:[/b] Neutral [b]History:[/b] This'll be updated soon enough. But basically; a student with a cute green book finding his place in life. [b]Personality:[/b] All around friendly and with a nearly unnatural desire to help others, Regis' persona is a harsh contrast to how things are recently. The young man seems to appreciate company and friendship above basically everything else, and never limits himself to that. He's the type of person who wouldn't think twice before putting himself in trouble, if it meant preserving someone - or in worst case scenarios, he wouldn't even consider his own life in order to save another. This became more of a reality when he obtained his first tome from the Imperium. From a deeper view, the truth is that Regis feels quite troubled about himself. He's unsure of his own future, past and present and thus, this whole confusion regarding himself as an individual led him to hopeless attempts of finding [i]pillars[/i] in other people, support them so they'll support him. While he keeps this mostly to himself, he's not one to hide his feelings or emotions - or even his disappointment, frustration or dislike towards something or someone. He might be extremely friendly, but if theres something that makes him quite angered, that'd be negative emotions present in others such as; greediness, cruelty and etc. [b]Tome[/b]: [color=39b54a]The Tender Tome[/color] is a light green book, often tied to Regis' waist. When materialized, it takes the form of a [url=http://www.backyardnature.net/q/b-gourd.jpg]gourd[/url] that sits on his back. This gourd is filled with a green water-like liquid that Regis' can freely control - it's also endless, given how no matter how much comes out of it, it never stops. Offensively, this has little to no use but whenever the water comes in contact with a wound, it accelerates the healing process drastically, nearly instantly healing small cuts and bruises, while taking a few minutes to heal deeper and more severe wounds. In addition, if Regis allows someone to drink it, they're temporarily empowered. The effects increase whoever drank the water physical condition, granting them stamina, strength and speed - but only for a limited time. Unfortunately, once the effects cease, it will stop working until the liquid is completely removed from one's body, which might take a few hours at least. [b]Other:[/b] Always wearing a necklace with a silver chain and a golden dagger hanging from it. [hr] Hope that's okay! And sorry I took so long to post after posting my interest a page back :v, heh.